This repository is a sample repository of NestJS Advent Calendar 2019. This advent calendar is led by NestJS Japan Users Group.
- Day1: Architecture Handson by @potato4d
- Day2: Module and DI by @euxn23
- Day3: DTO and Validation by @potato4d
- Day4: Inject dummy Service to avoid external dependency by @euxn23
- Day5: Exception Filter by @potato4d
- Day6: Prepare for Production Usage by @euxn23
- Day7: Japanese Traditional BBS Example by @potato4d
- Day8: Initialize Async Provider by @euxn23
- Day9: TypeORM module by @potato4d
- Day10: TBD by @euxn23
- Day11: Custom Response Header by ci7lus
- Day12: TBD by @euxn23
- Day13: Global Prefix and Nest Router by @potato4d
- Day14: Decorator and Inheritance by @euxn23
- Day15: Deploy to AppEngine using GitHub Actions by @potato4d
- Day16: Swagger module by @odan3240
- Day17: Sentry Integration by @potato4d
- Day18: Avoid Decorator Hell by @euxn23
- Day19: WebSocket by YutaSaito1991
- Day20: Module Development by kyusyukeigo
- Day21: TyoeORM Webpack Build by @naporin0624
- Day22: Multiple Application Build by @potato4d
- Day23: webpack-dev-middleware by @naporin0624
- Day24: Japanese Document by @potato4d
- Day25: Summary of 2019 by @euxn23