
`keepConnectionAlive` option removed but still referenced in main docs

solomonduncan opened this issue · 2 comments

Did you read the migration guide?

  • I have read the whole migration guide

Is there an existing issue that is already proposing this?

  • I have searched the existing issues

Potential Commit/PR that introduced the regression



8.0.4 -> 8.1.x

Describe the regression

In adding the support for typeorm v0.3.0, it seems the keepConnectionAlive option was removed altogether from this repo, despite that being part of this package and not typeorm itself. I'm assuming it was because it broke things in some way, but removing it also seems to be a breaking change with no documentation. In fact, the official docs still reference it as an option:

In addition, there are several extra configuration properties described below.
keepConnectionAlive | If true, connection will not be closed on application shutdown (default: false)

Maybe I missed it but I don't think this has become a default (and if it is, it should probably be called out in the docs). Does anyone have information on what to do with this going forward, is it always true/always false now?

Minimum reproduction code

Expected behavior

Either this feature still available, or some documentation as to its degradation/migration recommendations.


No response

Fixed in v8.1.4.

keepConnectionAlive has been reverted just to avoid introduction breaking changes (it was flagged as deprecated instead). With the latest version of TypeORM, this flag became redundant (there's no global data source manager anymore)

Thank you for the quick triage and response!