- 3
- 7
Add a way to check entities metadata on dev env
#2129 opened by jlefebvre1997 - 1
- 3
typeorm@0.3.20 not compatible with mssql@11.0.1
#2033 opened by SkeletonGamer - 0
Validating data sources configurations
#2017 opened by Motii1 - 2
Typeorm prevents Req Res Body decorators from working in version 10.0.2 with typeorm package 0.3.20
#1944 opened by Arcuman - 1
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'retryAttempts') when start the app on production.
#1942 opened by iyngaran - 1
missing connect/error hook/event
#1934 opened by weshuiz - 2
Check whether the object passed is an entity
#1914 opened by alper - 2
- 2
When connectionstring param used, Hostname and database name are not correctly extracted
#1898 opened by arrrrny - 1
TypeOrmModule makes @Request() unusable
#1887 opened by klu2 - 8
- 4
Inject ConfigService into an Entity or Subscriber
#1848 opened by asijoumi - 1
- 1
- 4
TypeOrmModule.forRoot() report errors: ConnectionNotFoundError: Connection "default" was not found.
#1632 opened by AliSnowaroma - 1
Bring back keepConnectionAlive
#1822 opened by RustySol - 1
- 1
Polymorphic association #12750
#1801 opened by ak15 - 4
"name" parameter is deprecated by typeorm documentation, but is required while registering multiple databases in nestjs project.
#1512 opened by Seberyak - 3
Unable to automatically inject tree repository
#1367 opened by hotsezus - 1
- 6
- 1
- 1
Testing mocker issues
#1693 opened by Eldad7 - 1
- 3
'"typeorm"' has no exported member named 'InjectRepository'. Did you mean 'getRepository'?
#1654 opened by Secret1007 - 20
Result of query with comment is inconsistent and random
#1592 opened by kkrypt0nn - 3
Nest could not find DataSource element
#1556 opened by hfhchan-plb - 1
add nestjs v9 as a peer dependency of `@nestjs/typeorm` v8
#1551 opened by micalevisk - 1
Add a test with getRepositoryToken
#1435 opened by OSA413 - 2
- 3
Could not use @InjectDataSource with named databases if one connection is not named "default"
#1469 opened by Proxxx23 - 1
Allow to access `DataSource` instance after initialized with `TypeOrmModule.forRoot`
#1474 opened by tsugitta - 1
'InjectConnection' is deprecated.
#1473 opened by siamahnaf - 2
A functionality that enables `forRootAsync()` to initialize database connection in the bootsr
#1462 opened by 1000ch - 3
Add custom repository support
#1422 opened by ruscon - 1
- 1
using DTO to execute query but facing Types of property 'shop_id' are incompatible.
#1389 opened by austinp0wers - 1
- 3
Cannot connect to database
#1363 opened by zhangminggeek - 1
TypeORM 0.3 CLI Wrapper
#1357 opened by MarZab - 12
- 2
Unable to connect to the database.
#1341 opened by dkusliy - 2
Entity compilation fails (SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module) after upgrading to Typeorm 0.3
#1314 opened by j-velasco - 2
- 1
Support EntityRepository pattern with TypeORM ^0.3
#1302 opened by frankmangone - 5
8.1.0 introduces backward incompatible typeorm 0.2 > 0.3
#1289 opened by acuthbert - 1
0.3.* typeorm version compability
#1258 opened by elderapo