
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Search API

Build out a very simple search page using the Search API. https://searchspring.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/sections/115000119223-Search-API

  • Ignore the "Request Headers" section of any of the API documentation
  • Use "q", "resultsFormat" and "page" query parameters


  • Input box for a Search Bar with a button next to it
  • When the search button is CLICKED, or user presses ENTER, the results display below

Displaying the Results

  • Use site ID for this example
  • Use “resultsFormat=native” as part of the API request to get your results back as JSON pass the search query using the “q” parameter
  • Display the product image using the “thumbnailImageUrl”, the product “name” and “price”
  • If the product has an “msrp” field and it’s greater than “price” field, display the “msrp” next to the price crossed out.


  • Above and below the results show pagination with next and previous buttons
  • You could also display some pages before/after the current page as applicable
  • If on the first page, you shouldn’t show the previous button or it should be disabled
  • If on the last page, you shouldn’t show the next button or it should be disabled
  • You’ll be able to change the page by making another request to our Search API with the “page” parameter set to the page you’d like to request