
codeflows.io 2019 programming competition challenges

Primary LanguagePHP


Codeflows.io 2019 programming competition challenges.


Round 1

  1. Weird Faculty, see specs
  2. Arbitrary Shopping, see specs
  3. Number Game, see specs
  4. Keypad, see specs
  5. Long Break, see specs
  6. Turnstile, see specs

Results: all challenges all green!

Round 2

  1. Least Active Intern, see specs
  2. Hashing the String, see specs
  3. Lost Signal, see specs
  4. Minimum Inversion, see specs
  5. Distinct Walk, see specs


  1. 10/10 green
  2. 1/8 green, 7 red due to wrong answer (WTF?!)
  3. 1/11 green, 10 red due to timeout
  4. 4/41 green, 37 red due to wrong answer
  5. 11/23 green, 12 red due to timeout

Later fixes: 2. 1/8 green, 7 red due to wrong answer (WTF?!) 8/8 green (fuck me right?)



Most challenges come with some test input & output, and can be tested with cat test/round-X/challenge/input00X.txt | php src/round-X/challenge.php | diff -u --color -w test/round-X/challenge/output00X.txt -, which returns the diff from the expected output, if any.


  • automate running the full "test suite" for any challenge, via shell script
  • enforce resource limits (memory and execution time)
  • add optional resource usage to output, enabled via env variable