
A simple straightforward addon using Viem to replace the deprecated Web3Modal on your NextJS Web3 Project with Ethers


A simple straightforward addon using Viem to replace the deprecated Web3Modal on your NextJS Web3 Project with Ethers

Step 1

Navigate to your NextJS Project and Install Viem.

cd myproject
npm i viem

Step 2

Create a new js file 'web3provider.js' on your NextJS project "components" folder. and paste the following:

FYI if you don't have a components folder, please create one.

import { createWalletClient, custom } from "viem";
import { polygonMumbai } from "viem/chains";

export const web3Provider = async () => {
  const [account] = await window.ethereum.request({
    method: "eth_requestAccounts",

  const client = createWalletClient({
    chain: polygonMumbai,
    transport: custom(window.ethereum),
  return client;

Important, in the code, modify the chain to your preferred choice:

import { polygonMumbai } from "viem/chains";

//under client: 
 chain: polygonMumbai,

Save file.

Step 3

import the function where needed:

// example index.js
import { web3Provider } from '@/components/web3provider';

Replace web3modal and pass directly web3Provider

Example, This is before with web3modal:

async function ethConnect() {
    const web3Modal = new Web3Modal()
    const connection = await web3Modal.connect()
    const provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(connection);

After replacing with web3Provider:

async function ethConnect() {
    const connection = await web3Provider()
    const provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(connection);

Dont forget to save and test!
