
Setting up a cloud lab environment (Amazon Web Services) using Ansible


Setting up a cloud lab environment (Amazon Web Services) using Ansible 😎


The purpose of this Ansible playbook is to setup a ready-to-use cloud lab environment for F5 BIG-IP training and development. A client connects to the RDP Jumphost (DNS record automatically set via Cloudflare API), from where he can access both the F5 BIG-IP as well as the Webserver farm.

The environment consists of the following parts:

  • Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) in the EU (Frankfurt) region with three subnets
    • Management subnet
    • External (client-side) subnet
    • Internal (server-side) subnet
  • Windows Server 2012 R2 machine acting as RDP Jumphost
  • Webserver farm with three LAMP servers


  • Ansible 2.4
  • Knowledge in AWS 😉


  1. Edit public.yaml variable file according to your needs
  2. Create a new secret.yaml variable file: ansible-vault create secret.yaml
aws_access_key: XXXXYYYYZZZZ
win_initial_password: TopSecretPassword
f5_admin_password: TopSecretPassword
f5_root_password: TopSecretPassword
  1. Edit cloud-init templates (templates folder) according to your needs
  2. Run the playbook: ansible-playbook -i hosts main.yaml --ask-vault-pass --extra-vars "env=Student01"

AMI Images used

Some notes

  • Since AMI instance ID's vary from region to region, please note that the AMI's in the public.yaml variable file are applicable to EU (Frankfurt). Using London instead of Frankfurt, the followig AMI's apply:
    • Jetware LAMP Stack: ami-4f5d4a2b
    • F5 Prelicensed Hourly BIGIP- - Best 25MBPS: ami-030fea64
  • Make sure you use the correct SSH key pair for the correspondig region (see group_vars/f5.yaml).
  • Using --extra-vars "env=Student01" you can setup multiple lab environments, perfect for customer trainings.
  • The Windows Jumphost uses a special cloud-init config to enable the WinRM interface for software management. I used the Chocolatey Package Manager (https://chocolatey.org/) for installing software.
  • The LAMP server configuration is done via the cloud-init file.
  • I decided to go with the "manual" way in regards of BIG-IP deployment. The AWS SSH Key is needed to initially connect to the BIG-IP for the admin password change. Using the official CloudFormation templates (https://github.com/F5Networks/f5-aws-cloudformation) instead of doing it manually is also an option, you may want to use a combination of CloudFormation with some own cloud-init script.
  • DNS is nice-to-have, you can use every API-capable DNS provider you like.