
Erlang (and Elixir) distribution without epmd

Primary LanguageErlang


Erlang (and Elixir) distribution without epmd described in https://www.erlang-solutions.com/blog/erlang-and-elixir-distribution-without-epmd.html with some modification


$ make test

Erlang usage

Run this to start erlang node on 4379 port number

$ erl -proto_dist epmdless -start_epmd false -epmd_module epmdless_epmd_client -pa _build/default/lib/epmdless/ebin -sname foo_port4379

You can omit port number and run on port from config (application:get_env(epmdless, inet_dist_default_port, 4370))

$ erl -proto_dist epmdless -start_epmd false -epmd_module epmdless_epmd_client -pa _build/default/lib/epmdless/ebin -sname foo

Running with config

$ erl -proto_dist epmdless -start_epmd false -epmd_module epmdless_epmd_client -pa _build/default/lib/epmdless/ebin -sname foo -config config/sys.config

Elixir usage

Add to deps

def deps do
  [{:epmdless, github: "netDalek/epmdless"}]

Run this to start erlang node on 4379 port number

$ iex --erl "-proto_dist epmdless -start_epmd false -epmd_module epmdless_epmd_client -pa _build/${MIX_ENV:-dev}/lib/epmdless/ebin/" --sname foo_port4379 -S mix

Note that you must add -pa option with path to epmdless beam files

You can omit port number and run on port from config (application:get_env(epmdless, inet_dist_default_port, 4370))

$ iex --erl "-proto_dist epmdless -start_epmd false -epmd_module epmdless_epmd_client -pa _build/${MIX_ENV:-dev}/lib/epmdless/ebin/" --sname foll -S mix

Running with config

$ iex --erl "-proto_dist epmdless -start_epmd false -epmd_module epmdless_epmd_client -pa _build/${MIX_ENV:-dev}/lib/epmdless/ebin/ -config config/sys.config" --sname foll -S mix

Note that you mas specify erlang config. Elixir config can't work there because it starts after epmd client.

In order to connect with remsh run something like this

$ iex --erl "-proto_dist epmdless -start_epmd false -epmd_module epmdless_epmd_client -pa _build/${MIX_ENV:-dev}/lib/epmdless/ebin" --remsh foo_port4379@localhost --sname foo


  • Suddenly fails on erlang 21.0.4 but works on 21.2.5