
write redis metrics to influx

Primary LanguageElixir


This application gather different numeric data from redis and send it to influxdb


defp deps do
  # ...
  {:redis2influx, github: "netDalek/redis2influx"},
  # ...


Configure Influxdb connection

config :redis2influx, Redis2influx.Influx,
  scheme:    "udp",
  port:      8089

Read Instream.Connection documentation for details.

Configure time interval in seconds

config :redis2influx, :interval, 1

Redis section

Redises config consists of a map with eredis connection attributes

config :redis2influx, redises: %{
  redis0: ['', 6379, 0],
  redis1: ['', 6379, 1],

  redis_group: %{
    a: ['', 6379, 3],
    b: ['', 6379, 4],

Configure metrics that will be send to influxdb

config :redis2influx, :metrics, [
    measurement: :metric1,
    redis: [:redis1, {:redis_group, :a}],
    cmd: ["LLEN", "list1"],
    tags: [type: :sample]
    measurement: :metric4,
    redis: [:redis0, :redis1, :redis_group],
    cmd: %{
      l1: ["LLEN", "list1"],
      l2: ["LLEN", "list2"],
      l3: ["INFO", "memory"],
      l4: ["INFO", "cpu"],
      l5: ["ZCOUNT", "sorted_set", 0, :now],
      l6: ["ZCOUNT", "sorted_set", 0, :now_ms],
    tags: [type: :sample]
  • measurement - influx measurement name
  • redis - name or list of names and groups from redis config section. See below
  • cmd - redis command that return some numeric value. See below
  • tags - additional influx tags

Redis key value

Redis value in metrics section can be an atom, list of atoms and tuples. Each item represent one redis database or a group of redis databases from redis section. The name of redis and redis group will be added to measurement tags.

  # ...
  redis: :redis0
  # ...
  # ...
  redis: :redis_group
  # ...
  # ...
  redis: {:redis_group, :a}
  # ...
  # ...
  redis: [:redis0, :redis1, :redis_group]
  # ...

Cmd key value

Cmd can be a list with one redis command or a map with several redis commands

  # ...
  cmd: ["LLEN", "list1"],
  # ...
  # ...
  cmd: %{
    list1_len: ["LLEN", "list1"],
    list2_len: ["LLEN", "list2"],
  # ...

When cmd is a list with one redis command, measurement field name will be value. When cmd is a map, map key become a measurement field name.

Inside redis command can be used atoms :now and :now_ms that will be replaced with current timestamp in seconds and milliseconds accordingly

  # ...
  cmd: %{
    l5: ["ZCOUNT", "sorted_set", 0, :now],
    l6: ["ZCOUNT", "sorted_set", 0, :now_ms],
  # ...

Redis command result can be a text like this


In this case every row become a separate field. Text before colon become a field name.

  # ...
  cmd: ["INFO", "cpu"],
  # ...

More examples

See Redis2influx.Harvester