
Cinema API. A repo for IderaOS interview challenge solution

Primary LanguagePHP

Cinema Ideros

This repo contains the basic implementation of a cinema app

Getting started


Please check the official laravel installation guide for server requirements before you start. Official Documentation

Clone the repository

git clone git@github.com:netEmmanuel/cinema_ideraOS.git

Switch to the repo folder

cd cinema_ideraOS

Install all the dependencies using composer

composer install

Copy the example env file and make the required configuration changes in the .env file

cp .env.example .env

Generate a new application key

php artisan key:generate

Run the database migrations (Set the database connection in .env before migrating)

php artisan migrate

Generate encryption keys for Passport

php artisan passport:install

Start the local development server

php artisan serve

You can now access the server at http://localhost:8000

The production server is at https://cinema-idera-os.herokuapp.com/

Check out the API documentation for the different endpoints here


TL;DR command list

git clone git@github.com:netEmmanuel/cinema_ideraOS.git
cd cinema_ideraOS
composer install
cp .env.example .env
php artisan key:generate

Make sure you set the correct database connection information before running the migrations Environment variables

php artisan migrate
php artisan serve

Code overview



  • app/Models - Contains all the Eloquent models
  • app/Http/Controllers/Api - Contains all the api controllers
  • app/Http/Requests - Contains all the api form requests
  • app/Repositories - Contains the files implementing the repository logic
  • app/Services - Contains the files implementing the service logic
  • app/Transformers - Contains all the data transformers
  • config - Contains all the application configuration files
  • database/factories - Contains the model factory for all the models
  • database/migrations - Contains all the database migrations
  • routes - Contains all the api routes defined in api.php file
  • tests - Contains all the application tests
  • tests/Feature - Contains all the api tests

Environment variables

  • .env - Environment variables can be set in this file

Note : You can quickly set the database information and other variables in this file and have the application fully working.

  • .env.testing - Environment variables for running umit/feature tests can be set in this file.

Testing API

Run the laravel development server

php artisan serve

The api can now be accessed at


Automated test can also be run via


Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

This applications has CORS enabled by default on all API endpoints. The default configuration allows requests from all origins to help speed up your frontend testing. The CORS allowed origins can be changed by setting them in the config file.