
Contains all the first question answers from lesson 5 homework: gamedev-5780

Created by:

Chen Ostrovski

Enna Grigor

1 Oscillator

Moves the object from one point to another. the user can choose in which way the object will move on the x and y axis. The speed will slow down as the object gets closer to the endpoints.

  • Min Speed - The minimun speed of the object.
  • Max Speed - The maximun speed of the object.
  • X Distance - The distance of the object from its endpoints on the x axis.
  • Y Distance - The distance of the object from its endpoints on the y axis.
  • Slow Down Distance - The distance from the endpoint where the object starts to slow down.

2 Rotator

Rotate an Object. The user can add his own values to:

  • Position x, y, z - Determine how the object will rotate on each axis.
  • Speed - The speed of the rotation.

3 Scale Changer

Increases and decreases the ball gradually. The user can add his own values to:

  • Max size - The maximum size the ball can reach.
  • Min size - The minimum size the ball can reach.
  • Speed - The speed at which the ball is decreasing and increasing.

4 Circular Motion

Moves the ball in a circular form. In order to move the ball around you can use the arrow keys (<- and ->) The user can add his own values to:

  • Speed - Determine the speed of the movement.
  • Radius - The distance between the current x position to the center of the circle. (The center of the circle is positionX + radius).