Component to capture camera image. The image data can be retrieved as a blob, a webP or a file object.
npm install react-image-data-capture
import React from 'react';
import ImageCapture from 'react-data-image-capture';
function MyImageCaptureComponent() {
const [imgSrc, setImgSrc] = useState(null);
const [imgFile, setImgFile] = useState(null);
const onCapture = (imageData) => {
// read as webP
// read as file
// read as blob
// imageData.blob
// Use useCallback to avoid unexpected behaviour while rerendering
const onError = useCallback((error) => { console.log(error) }, []);
// Use useMemo to avoid unexpected behaviour while rerendering
const config = useMemo(() => ({ video: true }), []);
{ video: true } - Default Camera View
{ video: { facingMode: environment } } - Back Camera
{ video: { facingMode: "user" } } - Front Camera
// imgFile can be used as a file upload field form submission
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append("file", imgFile);
return (
{imgSrc &&
<div>Captured Image:</div>
<img src={imgSrc} alt="captured-img" />
To play around with the component, try these interactive sample apps
Prop | Type | Optional | Default | Description |
onCapture | Function | No | - | Callback function with imageData as a param to be triggered on image capture. imageData is an object that contains the blob, webP and file object representation of the captured image. |
onError | Function | Yes | - | Callback function with error as a param to be triggered in case of error while accessing the camera. |
width | Number | No | - | Width of the camera stream to be rendered in px. |
userMediaConfig | Object | No | -- | MediaStreamContraints object to be passed to the getUserMedia. |
MIT © mayank8aug