
This is a very simple docker-compose project to run a complete umbra system. The docker-compose.yml file specifies two ports:

  1. The socket port for amqp connections, by default mapped to port 8998 on localhost
  2. The port for the RabbitMQ web-gui, by default mapped to port 8999 on localhost

RabbitMQ is started with the default username and password guest/guest. These can be overridden in the docker-compose.yml file if needed. See the rabbitmq/docker documentation at .

Typical usage of this project would be

  1. docker-compose -f ./netarchivesuite-umbra-docker/docker-compose.yml -p PROD_UMBRA build
  2. docker-compose -p PROD_UMBRA -f ./netarchivesuite-umbra-docker/docker-compose.yml up -d

Additionally the ports defined in the .env file can be overridden at runtime e.g. mq_port=8990 mq_admin_port=8991 docker-compose -p PROD_UMBRA up -d