
System for finding Danish webpages outside the .dk domain

Primary LanguageJava


System for finding Danish webpages outside the .dk domain

The system consists of a ROOT tomcat application (the webapp) running on port 8080, with three embedded workflows

  • a filtering workflow - used to reject undesirable seeds
  • a harvesting workflow, that makes small single seed harvests using a local NetarchiveSuite system.
  • a cacheupdate-workflow, that caches regularly counts for each seeds, criteriaresults, and harvests.

Note that the webapp file webdanica-webapp-war-$RELEASE.war on the releases page is the tomcat application file, and the file containing libraries (in WEB-INF/lib) used by the tools and automatic-workflow.

The result of the harvesting workflow is harvestlogs, read by an automatic analysis workflow, that from these harvestlogs

  • makes parsedText out of the warc.gz files from heritrix3, and then
  • does criteria-analysis on this text, and finally
  • ingest the results into the database.

The database backend is HBase (currently 1.1) through Apache Phoenix. Building the code has the following requirement in webdanica-core/pom.xml


Being 'provided' means, that is not downloaded and among the libs included in the produced war-file. You should locate the phoenix-client-jar used with your cluster, and use this instead of the previously used phoenix-4.7.0-HBase-1.1-client.jar. We are currently used Horton Works, and their phoenix-client-jar is located here: /usr/hdp/current/phoenix-client/phoenix-client.jar

Describing the installation of hbase is considered out of scope for this manual.

Creating the webdanica-tables in hbase are done using the psql.py script and the create-scripts found here: scripts/hbase-phoenix
Please use the scripts from the sourcecode attached to the release on https://github.com/netarchivesuite/webdanica/releases, as the scripts on github could be newer.

There are the following create scripts for each of the required hbase tables

  • create_blacklists.sql
  • create_criteria_results.sql
  • create_domains.sql
  • create_harvests.sql
  • create_ingestlog.sql
  • create_seeds.sql

Sample command to create the blacklists table with connectionstring=kb-test-hadoop-01.kb.dk:2181:/hbase e.g. psql.py kb-test-hadoop-01.kb.dk:2181:/hbase create_blacklists.sql

Building the war-file - The WEB-INF/lib folder in the war-file is used as standard lib folder for the webdanica-tools and the scripts of the automatic and manual workflows.

Installation and configuration of the webapp

Installation and configuration of the automatic workflow

Installation and configuration of the webdanica Netarchivesuite

Tools manual

Analysis manual