:rainbow: A react native reusable and color picker wheel
- 0
#70 opened by Kezuhiko - 3
onColorChange returns negative hue value
#42 opened by pinpong - 2
- 0
Sliding along the boundaries
#67 opened by mediahope - 2
Not working if it is used multiple times
#51 opened by monicse09ku - 2
absX in measureOffset() is not reliable?
#62 opened by wenbozzz - 5
Draggable thumb goes off the view
#40 opened by rimzici - 6
Invarian Violation
#43 opened by santiagoalmeidabolannos - 2
malformed calls from js field sizes are different
#53 opened by motogod - 1
onColorChanged Not working
#33 opened by sunilzalavadiya - 2
- 2
Error PanResponder !!!
#36 opened by PhuongNguyenETIT - 1
not getting color change event
#32 opened by ZeroCool00 - 1
the Wheel is not the right size
#35 opened by ghasemikasra39 - 2
Help! Can I use this image?
#37 opened by PhuongNguyenETIT - 1
Create value prop
#39 opened by wongcoder - 3
recent commits have caused issues
#31 opened by RickeyWard - 1
Change color to kelvin
#55 opened by nashnash - 0
onChange is undefined
#63 opened by georgemarsh1809 - 1
Multiple select spots
#57 opened by mariusmotea - 12
- 8
Merge 'Invariant Violation fix' to npm library
#38 opened by wongcoder - 5
- 7
is onColorChangeComplete enabled/working
#29 opened by npreiser - 0
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can u provide more event handlers?
#25 opened by WilenChen - 1
How Can I get the Hexadecimal?
#24 opened by EriksonMurrugarra - 8
I found some bug with move
#9 opened by niezw - 2
- 3
How to pick darker color?
#18 opened by msevestre - 2
Retrieve selected color as HEX?
#17 opened by msevestre - 1
Black color
#13 opened by minik42 - 3
Wrong color when picking from left bottom
#14 opened by unmec - 2
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Publish new version to npm
#12 opened by arthurdenner - 8
Color picker doesn't show the correct color when selecting in the bottom-right area
#6 opened by IjzerenHein - 2
Is this library open source?
#7 opened by NimishGopal - 3