Book Listing Demo

This is a demo of a book listing website with admin. This is writen with React, Redux, React Router, Styled Component, Mongoose, Express. The Mongoose version being used is 5.4.21 since version 5.5x seems to have issue with netlify-lambda on Node 8.

This repository also experiments with hooks for consuming Router (without passing props), consuming Redux store (without using connect), comsuming input (with debounce).

Check a live version here:


Create a file name .env at the root of the project. Copy the content of sample.env to this file and change the content accordingly.

  • SERVER_HOST - The hostname of the server. Running locally, you can set it to http://localhost:3000
  • MONGO_URI - The URI to connect to your MongoDb server.
npm install
npm start

Navigate to http://localhost:1234 and enjoy.