
Stripe webhook integration for Rails applications.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status

stripe_event is built on the ActiveSupport::Notifications API. Incoming webhook requests are authenticated by retrieving the event object from Stripe[1]. Define subscriber blocks to handle one, many, or all event types.


# Gemfile
gem 'stripe_event'
# config/routes.rb
mount StripeEvent::Engine => '/my-chosen-path' # provide a custom path


# config/initializers/stripe.rb
Stripe.api_key = ENV['STRIPE_API_KEY'] # Set your api key

StripeEvent.setup do
  subscribe 'charge.failed' do |event|
    # Define subscriber behavior based on the event object
    event.class #=> Stripe::Event
    event.type  #=> "charge.failed"
    event.data  #=> { ... }

  subscribe 'customer.created', 'customer.updated' do |event|
    # Handle multiple event types

  subscribe do |event|
    # Handle all event types - logging, etc.


If you have built an application that has multiple Stripe accounts--say, each of your customers has their own--you may want to define your own way of retrieving events from Stripe (e.g. perhaps you want to use the user_id parameter from the top level to detect the customer for the event, then grab their specific API key). You can do this:

StripeEvent.event_retriever = Proc.new do |params| 
  secret_key = Account.find_by_stripe_user_id(params[:user_id]).secret_key
  Stripe::Event.retrieve(params[:id], secret_key)

During development it may be useful to skip retrieving the event from Stripe, and deal with the params hash directly. Just remember that the data has not been authenticated.

StripeEvent.event_retriever = Proc.new { |params| params }

Register webhook url with Stripe

Setup webhook url


The RailsApps project by Daniel Kehoe has released an example Rails 3.2 app with recurring billing using Stripe. The application uses stripe_event to handle customer.subscription.deleted events.

Note: 'Test Webhooks' Button on Stripe Dashboard

This button sends an example event to your webhook urls, including an id of evt_00000000000000. To confirm that Stripe sent the webhook, stripe_event attempts to retrieve the event details from Stripe using the given id. In this case the event does not exist and stripe_event responds with 401 Unauthorized. Instead of using the 'Test Webhooks' button, trigger webhooks by using the Stripe Dashboard to create test payments, customers, etc.