
Email module for managing automated emails

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Module - Email

This module was made for easy management of automated emails and email campaigns.


This package is part of Netcore CMS ecosystem and is only functional in a project that has following packages installed:

  1. https://github.com/netcore/netcore
  2. https://github.com/netcore/module-admin
  3. https://github.com/netcore/module-translate
  4. https://github.com/netcore/module-user
  5. https://github.com/netcore/module-setting


  • Require this package using composer
    composer require netcore/module-email
  • Publish assets/configuration/migrations
    php artisan module:publish Email
    php artisan module:publish-config Email
    php artisan module:publish-migration Email
    php artisan migrate
  • Add automated emails command to scheduling in "app/Console/Kernel.php"
  • Set queue driver to redis

  • In your supervisor configuration set --timeout to 3600 or larger if a project will have large user base to send campaigns to

  • Add Modules\User\Traits\ReplaceableAttributes trait to your User model and set public property $replaceable which you want dynamically use in email templates:

public $replaceable = [

and set $replaceablePrefix to prefix the replaceable attributes.

  • Add "getFilters" and "getFilterQuery" methods to User model, like so:
    public function getFilters()
        return [
            'is_email_verified' => [
                'name'   => 'Email verified?',
                'type'   => 'select', // Available types: text, select, multi-select, from-to
                'values' => [-1 => 'Not important', 1 => 'Yes', 0 => 'No']
            'country'           => [
                'name'   => 'Country',
                'type'   => 'multi-select', // Available types: text, select, multi-select, from-to
                'values' => Country::all()->mapWithKeys(function ($country) {
                    return [
                        $country->id => $country->name
    public function getFilterQuery()
        $filters = request()->get('filters', []);
        $query = User::select('id', 'email');
        foreach ($this->getFilters() as $field => $filter) {
            $data = (isset($filters[$field])) ? $filters[$field] : -1;
            if ($data < 0) {
            if ($filter['type'] == 'multi-select') {
                $query->whereHas($field, function ($q) use ($data) {
                    $q->whereIn('id', $data);
            } elseif ($filter['type'] == 'from-to') {

                if (($data['from'] && $data['to']) && $data['to'] > $data['from']) {
                    $query->whereBetween($field, [$data['from'], $data['to']]);

            } else {
                $query->where($field, $data);
        return $query;


  • Configuration file is available at config/netcore/module-email.php

Seeding automated emails

   use Modules\Email\Models\AutomatedEmail;
   use Netcore\Translator\Helpers\TransHelper;
   $emails = [
            'key'          => 'verify_email',
            'period'       => 'now',
            'type'         => 'static', // Available types: static, period, interval
            'is_active'    => true,
            'translations' => [
                'name' => 'Email verification',
                'text' => 'Please verify your email by clicking on the link: <a href="[VERIFICATION_URL]">[VERIFICATION_URL]</a>'
    foreach ($emails as $email) {
        $emailModel = AutomatedEmail::create(array_except($email, 'translations'));
        $translations = [];
        foreach (TransHelper::getAllLanguages() as $language) {
            $translations[$language->iso_code] = $email['translations'];


  • Add/remove email to/from subscriptions list
  • Send automated email
    email()->send('verify_email', $user, [
        'VERIFICATION_URL' => $verificationUrl