
ddata CLI tool for schematics

Primary LanguageTypeScript

The ddata-cli Schematics Tool

This the command line interface for ddata-core and ddata-ui-input, ddata-ui-dialog and other ddata packages Schematic implementation that serves as boilerplate codes to your project based on ddata packages.


npm install --save-dev ddata-cli

If you did'nt installed yet, you need to install ddata-core, ddata-ui-input and ddata-ui-dialog packages:

npm install --save ddata-core ddata-ui-input ddata-ui-dialog

And don't forget add this modules to your app.module.ts file.

import { DdataCoreModule } from 'ddata-core';
import { DdataUiInputModule } from 'ddata-ui-input';

  // ...
  imports: [
    // ...
  // ...
export class AppModule { }

Follow these packages installation instructions.

Set up your environment

You need to extend your tsconfig.app.json file with this settings:

  // ...
  "include": [

Extend your tslint.json to allow snake case naming convention:

  "rules": {
    "variable-name": {
      "options": [

How to use?

ng add ddata-cli:all [ModelName] --fields=[field,definition,list]

Model name

Use the capitalize and singular naming convention on your model's name.

For example:

  • TaskType (and not task_type nor tasktype)
  • Company (and not Companies)


With fields option you can define your model's fields with data type and default value.

The fields definition is a comma separated list. Each list element built from three information blocks:

  • field name
  • field data type
  • field default value

The information blocks are separated by color characters (:). For example an information block looks like this:

name:string:Little John

Note: you need to put your fields option's value into quotes if you use space characters in the value

Data types

Primitive types

  • string (default)
  • number
  • boolean

Advanced types

  • color
  • isodate
  • time
  • text


Converted as string, but in frontend will use color picker (with dd-input-color component).


Converted as string, but in frontend will use date picker (with dd-input-date component).


Converted as string, but in frontend will use time picker (with dd-input-time component).


Converted as string, but in frontend will use textarea (with dd-textarea component).

Custom data types

You can use any words as your data type. In this case you need to follow the singular naming convetion on your field name, and capitalize and singular naming convention on your data type.

In this case if you're not set default value, the default will be null.

For example:

  • address:Address
  • billing_address:BillingAddress:new BillingAddress().init()
  • billing_address_type:BillingAddressType

Custom data types with array

You can use any words as your array data type with [] postfix. In this case you need to follow the plural naming convention on your field name, and capitalize and singular naming convention on your data type.

In this case you can define default value, but it will be ignored. All array data's default will be an empty array.

For example:

  • addresses:Address[]
  • billing_addresses:BillingAddress[]
  • companies:Company[]

Some example

Create model, interface, create-edit and list components

ng g ddata-cli:all Company --fields="id:number,name,billing_address:Address,shipping_address:Address,employees:Employee[],products:Product[],is_inactive:boolean"

ng g ddata-cli:all Employee --fields="id:number,name,phone,email,is_inactive:boolean"

ng g ddata-cli:all Product --fields="id:number,name,sku,color:color,expiration_date:isodate,is_inactive:boolean"

Create model and interface only

ng g ddata-cli:model Product --fields="id:number,name,sku,color:color,expiration_date:isodate,is_inactive:boolean"

Create components only

ng g ddata-cli:components Product --fields="id:number,name,sku,color:color,expiration_date:isodate,is_inactive:boolean"

Create lang file only

ng g ddata-cli:lang Product --fields="id:number,name,sku,color:color,expiration_date:isodate,is_inactive:boolean"

Have fun!