
This repository features code to create 3CX SBC Docker images, as well as automated builds when new versions are published by 3CX.


docker run \
    --rm \
    --net host \
    -e PBX_URL= \ # Provisioning URL
    -e PBX_KEY=MySBCKey \          # Authentication KEY ID

Both PBX_URL and PBX_KEY come from the page, after an SBC was added.


How are these images built?

The images are based on Debian Buster, as it's the most recent Debian version currently supported by 3CX. They are compatible with amd64 and armhf architectures.

All the systemd stuff was ripped out, as it does not align with idiomatic Docker images, and does not provide any real benefits. However, this means that the images are created in a somewhat hacky way by unpacking the 3cxsbc binary, which may be less maintainable.

Does this image support automatic updates?

You don't want to be running automatic updates for 3cxsbc, as it could cut ongoing phone calls. You can however configure this image to be able to manually update the container through the Management Console.

Technically, the running container does not upgrade the 3cxsbc version it's running by itself. It is however possible to trigger an update through watchtower. To do so, you'll need to be running a dedicated instance of watchtower, and to pass the WATCHTOWER_API and WATCHTOWER_TOKEN environment variables to the 3cxsbc container.

Here is an example docker-compose.yaml file that illustrates all of this:

version: "2.4"

    image: apyos/docker-3cx-sbc
    network_mode: host
    restart: unless-stopped
      - PBX_URL=
      - PBX_KEY=MySBCKey
      - WATCHTOWER_TOKEN=token
      - "com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.scope=3cxsbc"

    image: containrrr/watchtower
    restart: unless-stopped
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
    command: --http-api-update
      - "com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.scope=3cxsbc"

The com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.scope label needs to be specified and have the same value on both containers, as updates wouldn't work otherwise. If you're running multiple instances of this image on the same Docker host, you need to make sure that this value is also unique for each watchtower/3cxsbc pair. If not, an update through the Management Console would simply update all containers running on the host at the same time, which might not be desirable.

The WATCHTOWER_TOKEN and WATCHTOWER_HTTP_API_TOKEN environment variables also need to match.

Does re-provisioning work?

Yes, the configuration is automatically kept in sync with the Management Console, and the Push Config also works.

When will new releases be available?

Assuming new versions remain compatible with this repository's way of installing the SBC, new versions should be published to the registry ( in the hour following a new release. This is done automatically using GitHub Actions, and can be seen here:

What about versioning?

Images are published with the latest tag as well as the 3 SemVer versions. For example, assuming version is the 2.3.4 is the most recent one, it can be pulled with any of the following:

  • docker pull apyos/docker-3cx-sbc:2.3.4
  • docker pull apyos/docker-3cx-sbc:2.3
  • docker pull apyos/docker-3cx-sbc:2
  • docker pull apyos/docker-3cx-sbc

As suggested by SemVer, docker pull apyos/docker-3cx-sbc:2 will always point to the latest 2.*.* version.

Can I extend the configuration using 3cxsbc.conf.local?

Yes, you can simply create a file and mount it as a read-only volume on /etc/3cxsbc.conf.local:

docker run \
    -v /path/to/3cxsbc.conf.local:/etc/3cxsbc.conf.local:ro