Simple AES encryption handler class for Web2Py. Will allow encryption and decryption of data using an encryption secret stored in the application.
Prequisites: * PyCrypto. You must have PyCrypto installed on the system you intend to use this with. On a Mac, compiling and installing PyCrypto under Mavericks is a bit of a challenge. There is a workaround available if you need it. If you can't find the workaround, reach out to me and I will point you in the right direction.
Background: This library will handle AES encryption and decryption using a cryto secret that is stored in the application's private/ folder. The first time you create an object of the class AgCrypto, a random key will be created (only if there is not a file named encryption.secret) in private/.
If you are going to be doing lots of encrypts and decrypts you may consider
caching an AgCrypto object. That way you are not waiting on the class to
read the secret from disk. Google the cache functions on the Web2Py doc site.
Here is basically what you will put in one of your model/ files:
from Cryptography import *
crypto = cache.ram('crypto', lambda: AgCrypt(request), 3600)
Make sure the file is in your modules/ directory for this to work.
If for some reason you already have a file with that name, change it. The only thing
that will be effected is the import statement. This sample cache statement above will
expire the cached object after 1 hour. You could set that number higher if your
installation required it.
Once you have created an object of type AgCrypt, there are two methods:
crypt will return a base64 encoded, AES encrypted string. That string,
when passed to decrypt(msg) will return the original cleartext message.
To ensure your environment is set up properly, __main__ is implemented
as a sort of unit test. From the command line if you type python AgCrypto
you should see something like this:
$ python
Testing cryptography
msg before encryption: the british are coming
encrypted message: YlLxDxjDfwNj2-bUuDpBoUT_CeRzX4MOX_PBcUyORfo1tL0xBEg=
decrypted message: the british are coming
Test successful!
Keep in mind, your encrypted string is going to be different. In fact,
it will be different every time you execute the code this way. If the
__init__ method is not called as part of a Web2Py Request, a random secret
is generated. That random secret disappears and is never written to disk.
If you find bugs or have suggestions, feel free to fork the code and submit a merge request. You can also get in contact with me at davestollgmailcom.