BLT The BGP Linkstate Topographer

Primary LanguageJava


The BGP Linkstate Topographer
BLT 0.4.3 google maps view boxes BLT 0.4.3 google maps view dijkstra BLT 0.4.3 google maps view dijkstra BLT 0.4.3 google maps view dijkstra


  • Retrieves BGP link state information and produces a graph
  • Supports OSPF and ISIS
  • Map options
    • jsPlumb map customizable layout
    • Google Maps with GPS nodes coordinates retrieved from SNMP or DNS
  • Real Time Monitoring
    • BGP session provides real time update when a change occurs in IGP domain
    • routers and links are automatically updated (green/orange/red) on topology graphs, either jsPlumb or Google Maps
  • Backup and storage of IGP database in XML format
  • Northbound Rest API
  • User authentication
  • Dijkstra tree computation and visibility towards one or several nodes
  • Free

How to start

Go to http://www.netfishers.onl/blt
Basic installation instructions are included in the distribution files
You can also consult the blog posts

Binary package and
Source code available from Netfishers GitHub space

If you want to contribute to the code, pull it from GitHub and contact us to publish updates.

