
Welcome to the NetguruCollegeApp project. It is a base application created for Netguru College: iOS Weekend Edition workshops.



  • Xcode 10.2.1 with latest iOS SDK (12.2)
  • CocoaPods 1.7.5 or higher



  1. Clone repository:

    # over https:
    git clone
    # or over SSH:
  2. Install required Gems:

    bundle install
  3. Install pods through Bundler:

    bundle exec pod install
  4. Open NetguruCollegeApp.xcworkspace file and build the project.

Coding guidelines

  • Respect Swift API Design Guidelines

  • The code must be readable and self-explanatory - full variable names, meaningful methods, etc.

  • Don't leave any commented-out code.

  • Write documentation for every method and property accessible outside the class. For example well documented method looks as follows:

     /// Tells the magician to perform a given trick.
     /// - Parameter trick: The magic trick to perform.
     /// - Returns: Whether the magician succeeded in performing the magic trick.
     func perform(magicTrick trick: MagicTrick) -> Bool {
     	// body