Comments Control

INACTIVE NOTICE: This plugin is unsupported by WPMUDEV, we've published it here for those technical types who might want to fork and maintain it for their needs.


Translation files can be found at


Comments Control removes the frustration of losing comments that are published back-to-back from the same location.

Eliminate spam, maintain security and stop real users from getting the, 'You are posting comments too quickly. Slow down.' message.

Unleash Member Comments

Open comment threads to fast commenting. Keep real conversation alive while protecting against spam and comment trolling. Give trusted users open lines of communication. Blacklist or Whitelist IPs for control based on location. Use Comments Control to unlock speed and maintain a secure spam-free comment feed.

Now comment throttling is automatically disabled for logged in users. You can also disable comment throttling for logged out users by IP address or blacklist IP addresses to prevent them from posting comments as follows: ž

1.  Go to Settings > Network Settings in the network admin dashboard.

2.  Scroll down to the Comment section, configure the IP addresses as desired.

3.  Click Save Changes