
This solution provides email notification for logins of linux/unix system users.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT



This solution provides email notification for logins of linux/unix system users. The script operates on a diff method of last login.


  • Unix/Linux server with sudo permissions, because of issues with AWS EC2 instances and IP Spam blocking this script may not work, I will make a AWS SES option in the future.

  • Unix/Linux Mail command to install the *nix Mail command see below.

  • CentOS/Redhat 7/6/5

sudo yum install mailx
  • Fedora 22+
dnf install mailx
  • Ubuntu/Debian/LinuxMint
sudo apt-get install mailutils


git clone https://github.com/nethacker/checklogin.git

cd checklogin

sudo mkdir /var/log/logins

sudo chown youruser:youruser /var/log/logins

Change the email address in the script after EMAIL to send notification to.

vim checklogin.sh
cp checklogin.sh /var/log/logins

sudo chmod 755 /var/log/logins/checklogin.sh

crontab -e

*/5 * * * * /var/log/logins/checklogin.sh

Testing / Troubleshooting

  • After two login and out attempts to the server you should get an email.
  • Check your spam folder it might end up there, and whitelist the email.
  • The script executes every 5 minutes on a cron so you won't get an email immediately.

To check of the mail command is working on your server which the script depends on

echo -e "Test body" | mail -s 'Test Email' youremail@whatever.com

To check if you can see your login history
