
Effective reproduction number based on several time series sources. Supported by TACR GAMA grant.

Primary LanguageR

Effective reproduction number
based on several time series sources

Here resides the open-source code for Shiny application (written in R) showing an estimate of so-called effective reproduction number R(t). The number is normally estimated on daily incidence (i.e. cases tested positive per day), but as the epidemy tracking reaches its limits, this could be rather misleading. In order to avoid relying solely on this time series, we can estimate R(t) on several others, presumably much more robust ones - namely hospitalizations, critical cases and deaths per day.


This program is free software and you can redistribute it and or modify it under the terms of the GNU GPL 3.

Financial support

This work is supported by the project "Testing, incentives, information: How to mobilize society’s resources against the pandemic" at CERGE-EI and Charles University ("TP01010040 – The support of the process of commercialisation of research and development results at Charles University II").