
Small library for talking to micro REST APIs (not related to Netlify's main API)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build Status

Small library for talking to micro REST APIs (not related to Netlify's main API).


yarn add micro-api-client


import API, { getPagination } from 'micro-api-client'

const api = new API("/some/api/endpoint");
  .then(response => console.log(response))
  .catch(err => console.error(err));


api = new API(apiURL, [opts])

Create a new micro-api-client instance. apiURL can be a full or relative URL. Optional opts include:

  defaultHeaders: {
  } // header values to include in every request.

api.request(path, [opts])

Make a request to the apiURL at the given path. Optional opts are passed to the fetch API:

// Default options
  headers: {} // Optional headers object.  Overrides defaultHeaders
  credentials: "same-origin" // set fetch credentials option
  "Content-Type": "application/json" // set Content-Type fetch option

Returns a promise with the response. If the contentType is JSON, it will be checked for pagination and return either the parsed JSON object or a paginated JSON object:

// See src/pagination.js
  pagination: {
  items: json

If an error occurs during the request, the promise may be rejected with an HTTPError, TextHTTPError, or JSONHTTPError.

class HTTPError extends Error

Additional error properties from Error

  stack, // stack trace of error
  status // status code of response

class TextHTTPError extends HTTPError

Additional error properties from HTTPError

  data // data of text response

class JSONHTTPError extends HTTPError

Additional error properties from HTTPError

  json // json of a JSON response

pagination = getPagination(response)

Returns a pagination object that micro-api-client uses internally.