Build and deploy Next.js applications with Server-Side Rendering on Netlify!
Pinned issues
- 18
"The 'path' argument must be of type string. Received undefined" when using next-auth
#168 opened by zaarheed - 4
- 10
- 1
- 10
getServerSideProps fails for certain values, probably related to URL encoding or slashes
#98 opened by phbernard - 5
- 8
- 3
- 10
Missing locale files with next-i18next
#169 opened by 2j2e - 0
- 1
Forward options params to "nextOnNetlify" function from node command-line args
#165 opened by jhesgodi - 0
Feature: add watch mode
#96 opened by erezrokah - 12
Preview mode broken in Next 10.0.2 with target: "serverless": TypeError: e[t] is not a function
#99 opened by fverloop - 15
Cannot find module critters
#157 opened by mannycolon - 1
Investigate tradeoffs between redirects and copying files [to correct paths]
#129 opened by lindsaylevine - 5
Use splats in SSG redirects instead of adding a redirect for every exact prerendered path
#123 opened by lindsaylevine - 4
- 12
Cannot find module 'jimp'
#143 opened by ctsimpouris - 4
Add clarification for deployment with submodules
#154 opened by ctjlewis - 29
- 1
Failure when the publish directory is `public`.
#137 opened by ehmicky - 1
Missing `pages-manifest.json`
#136 opened by ehmicky - 3
Error when copying `.next/static/`
#102 opened by ehmicky - 7
Header config causes CLI to throw "invalid rule: cannot contain anything after *"
#151 opened by ctjlewis - 9
Can't deploy nextjs on netlify throw new Error(`'${dest}' already exists`) at /opt/build/repo/node_modules/fs-extra/lib/copy-sync/copy-sync.js:62
#79 opened by antonygunawan94 - 6
You cannot define a route with the same specificity as a optional catch-all route
#76 opened by afzalsayed96 - 4
- 0
Generate _headers file
#110 opened by calavera - 1
Support for Next/Image
#70 opened by lokmanm - 4
Conflicting [slug] path and static page causing weird behavior in production
#115 opened by lindsaylevine - 0
- 1
- 2
Cannot find module 'critters'
#135 opened by Antonytm - 13
- 2
experimental-serverless-trace causes breaking build times and bundle sizes
#120 opened by lindsaylevine - 9
i18n fails to build
#71 opened by victorhqc - 6
Discussion: inlining next-aws-lambda vs fixing upstream and other alternatives
#95 opened by lindsaylevine - 3
Using target: "experimental-serverless-trace" config breaks the styles of the site
#104 opened by s-kris - 5
- 1
Plans for nuxt-on-netlify?
#113 opened by phr3nzy - 1
- 1
- 3
- 3
- 1
Add Windows support
#88 opened by ehmicky - 1
- 3
netlify.toml redirects aren't obeyed
#80 opened by ChrisBAshton - 1
Run tests on Node `10.13.0`
#87 opened by ehmicky - 2
Request: allow `out_functions`/`out_publish` directory names to be configurable
#81 opened by ChrisBAshton - 4