The Next.js Runtime allows Next.js to run on Netlify with zero configuration
Pinned issues
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[v15 canary] Undocumented `reactMaxHeadersLength` next config option is not respected
#2626 opened by serhalp - 5
[Bug]: Error: Cannot find module 'next/dist/server/future/route-modules/pages/vendored/contexts/router-context'
#2385 opened by mainawycliffe - 0
Rewrites to `_next/static` files not working
#2628 opened by pieh - 0
[v15 canary] Dynamic routes with `fallback: true` are failing with cache error
#2627 opened by orinokai - 7
[Bug]: NETLIFY_NEXT_PLUGIN_SKIP no longer works in v5
#2458 opened by cfhull - 0
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Local builds: `netlify build` followed by `netlify deploy` doesn't work with Next.js sites
#2501 opened by rks118 - 4
404 error in css and js files
#2565 opened by sebakthapa - 0
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5.3.3 build error
#2499 opened by rks118 - 0
Nonce not automatically set in script tags when using CSP
#2464 opened by serhalp - 0
Middleware should not add trailing slashes to non-data requests in static dir
#2466 opened by serhalp - 0
Pages router middleware should return 302 status for redirected data requests
#2467 opened by serhalp - 0
Server error pages return encoded data without `content-encoding` header if `accept-encoding` is `gzip`
#2468 opened by serhalp - 0
Fetch action prefetch cache test failing
#2469 opened by serhalp - 0
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Middleware matching is too broad when using i18n
#2473 opened by serhalp - 0
Does not correctly handle user middleware that redirects to path with canonical locale casing when app enables `skipMiddlewareUrlNormalize` and path contains locale slug with non-canonical casing
#2474 opened by serhalp - 42
[Bug]: `Error: Cannot find module 'next/dist/server/future/route-modules/pages/vendored/contexts/amp-context'` in NextJS preview mode
#2329 opened by ben221199 - 2
[bug]: `netlify dev` fails to run middleware
#2339 opened by orinokai - 7
[Bug]: `Runtime.ImportModuleError - Error: Cannot find module 'follow-redirects'` when deploying with netlify-cli and pnpm
#2323 opened by elliottsj - 4
[Bug]: React Context not persisting across client side page transitions. App router.
#2402 opened by ehowey - 3
Failure toinstall[Bug]:
#2397 opened by dafejimi - 3
[Bug]: ISR and next/link Prefetch Cause RSC Page Return Content in self.__next_f.push Function With App Dir on Next.js 14.0.3
#2389 opened by AresTG2612 - 2
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[Bug]: Middleware rewrites cause infinite redirect loop when pointing to a directory in `public`
#2332 opened by cprussin - 3
[Bug]: Middleware rewrites cause `TypeError: Invalid URL` when pointing to a directory in `public`
#2331 opened by cprussin - 2
[Bug]: Passed props from `getServerSideProps()` and `getStaticProps()` are undefined if navigating to the same route (Next.js: 13.4.13-13.4.19)
#2292 opened by thevisioner - 2
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[Bug]: app-dir, API routes with `dynamic` = `error` are still rendered at runtime
#2261 opened by Fox32 - 2
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[Bug]: Response is not compressed
#2243 opened by hrishikesh-k - 1
Modify demo site configurations to enable improved monorepo support on Netlify
#2258 opened by nickytonline - 7
Cache headers returned from Middleware aren't respected
#2350 opened by Skn0tt - 9
[Bug]: Plugin "@netlify/plugin-nextjs" internal error: ENOENT: no such file or directory with runtime 5.0.0-beta.7
#2420 opened by caomicc - 7
[Bug]: ENOENT internal error with monorepo setup
#2418 opened by leethree - 3
[Bug]: Issue with data revalidation after new build
#2452 opened by krystianolech - 1
Improve logging
#2220 opened by MarcL - 2
[Bug]: @netlify/plugin-nextjs is messing up everything
#2413 opened by gocreating - 1
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[Bug]: Cannot find module 'styled-jsx/style'
#2330 opened by skordesign - 0