
[Bug]: next.config.js > redirects is not respected

dragons-library opened this issue ยท 8 comments


Redirects defined via next.config.js#redirect are note respected when deployed to netlify using @netlify/plugin-next.

This happens in a Next.js v14 app using traditional pages/ (I have not tested with app/ directory routing). This also happens on Next.js v13 and has been an issue for some time. I know this used to work at some point, but it has been some time since it did work.

I suspect that generateRedirects should probably do something with routes-manifest.json#redirects.

Reference reports:

A link to a reproduction repository

Expected Result should redirect to

Actual Result

Does not redirect and 404s when deployed to netlify.

Steps to reproduce

Redirect failing on Netlify

  1. visit
  2. click either link
  3. Netlify Redirect navigates to /netlify-redirect (defined in netlify.toml and works as expected)
  4. Next Redirect navigates to /next-redirect (defined in next.config.js and does NOT work as expected)

Redirect working locally

  1. then, checkout the reproduction repo locally and test...
  2. git clone
  3. cd next-netlify-redirect-issue
  4. npm install
  5. npm run dev
  6. visit http://localhost:3000/next-redirect
  7. if you deploy locally via netlify cli, the /next-redirect stops working locally

Next Runtime version


Is your issue related to the app directory?

  • Yes, I am using the app directory

More information about your build

  • I am building using the CLI
  • I am building using file-based configuration (netlify.toml)

What OS are you using?


Your netlify.toml file

  command = "npm run build"
  publish = ".next"

  package = "netlify-plugin-cypress"

  from = "/netlify-redirect"
  to = "/redirect-success"

Your public/_redirects file

# Paste content of your `_redirects` file here

Your next.config.js file

module.exports = {
  async redirects() {
    return [
        source: '/next-redirect',
        destination: '/redirect-success',
        permanent: false,

Builds logs (or link to your logs)

Build logs
9:32:38 PM: Netlify configuration property "redirects" value changed to [
9:32:38 PM:   {
9:32:38 PM:     from: "/netlify-redirect",
9:32:38 PM:     query: {},
9:32:38 PM:     to: "/redirect-success",
9:32:38 PM:     force: false,
9:32:38 PM:     conditions: {},
9:32:38 PM:     headers: {}
9:32:38 PM:   },
9:32:38 PM:   { from: "/_next/static/*", to: "/static/:splat", status: 200 },
9:32:38 PM:   {
9:32:38 PM:     from: "/_next/image*",
9:32:38 PM:     query: { url: ":url", w: ":width", q: ":quality" },
9:32:38 PM:     to: "/_ipx/w_:width,q_:quality/:url",
9:32:38 PM:     status: 301
9:32:38 PM:   },
9:32:38 PM:   { from: "/_ipx/*", to: "/.netlify/builders/_ipx", status: 200 },
9:32:38 PM:   {
9:32:38 PM:     from: "/api/*",
9:32:38 PM:     to: "/.netlify/functions/___netlify-handler",
9:32:38 PM:     status: 200
9:32:38 PM:   },
9:32:38 PM:   {
9:32:38 PM:     from: "/favicon.ico",
9:32:38 PM:     to: "/favicon.ico",
9:32:38 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
9:32:38 PM:     status: 200
9:32:38 PM:   },
9:32:38 PM:   {
9:32:38 PM:     from: "/logo-netlify.svg",
9:32:38 PM:     to: "/logo-netlify.svg",
9:32:38 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
9:32:38 PM:     status: 200
9:32:38 PM:   },
9:32:38 PM:   {
9:32:38 PM:     from: "/*",
9:32:38 PM:     to: "/.netlify/functions/___netlify-handler",
9:32:38 PM:     status: 200,
9:32:38 PM:     conditions: { Cookie: [Array] },
9:32:38 PM:     force: true
9:32:38 PM:   },
9:32:38 PM:   {
9:32:38 PM:     from: "/_next/data/_UlOizIbfHuw31IzA8GOY/index.json",
9:32:38 PM:     to: "/.netlify/functions/___netlify-handler",
9:32:38 PM:     status: 200,
9:32:38 PM:     force: false
9:32:38 PM:   },
9:32:38 PM:   {
9:32:38 PM:     from: "/",
9:32:38 PM:     to: "/.netlify/functions/___netlify-handler",
9:32:38 PM:     status: 200,
9:32:38 PM:     force: false
9:32:38 PM:   },
9:32:38 PM:   {
9:32:38 PM:     from: "/_next/data/_UlOizIbfHuw31IzA8GOY/redirect-success.json",
9:32:38 PM:     to: "/.netlify/functions/___netlify-handler",
9:32:38 PM:     status: 200,
9:32:38 PM:     force: false
9:32:38 PM:   },
9:32:38 PM:   {
9:32:38 PM:     from: "/redirect-success",
9:32:38 PM:     to: "/.netlify/functions/___netlify-handler",
9:32:38 PM:     status: 200,
9:32:38 PM:     force: false
9:32:38 PM:   },
9:32:38 PM:   {
9:32:38 PM:     from: "/*",
9:32:38 PM:     to: "/.netlify/functions/___netlify-handler",
9:32:38 PM:     status: 200
9:32:38 PM:   }
9:32:38 PM: ].

Function logs

Function logs
# Paste logs here

.next JSON files

generated .next JSON files


  "version": 3,
  "pages404": true,
  "caseSensitive": false,
  "basePath": "",
  "redirects": [
      "source": "/:path+/",
      "destination": "/:path+",
      "internal": true,
      "statusCode": 308,
      "regex": "^(?:/((?:[^/]+?)(?:/(?:[^/]+?))*))/$"
      "source": "/next-redirect",
      "destination": "/redirect-success",
      "statusCode": 307,
      "regex": "^(?!/_next)/next-redirect(?:/)?$"
  "headers": [],
  "dynamicRoutes": [],
  "staticRoutes": [
      "page": "/",
      "regex": "^/(?:/)?$",
      "routeKeys": {},
      "namedRegex": "^/(?:/)?$"
      "page": "/redirect-success",
      "regex": "^/redirect\\-success(?:/)?$",
      "routeKeys": {},
      "namedRegex": "^/redirect\\-success(?:/)?$"
  "dataRoutes": [],
  "rsc": {
    "header": "RSC",
    "varyHeader": "RSC, Next-Router-State-Tree, Next-Router-Prefetch, Next-Url",
    "prefetchHeader": "Next-Router-Prefetch",
    "contentTypeHeader": "text/x-component"
  "rewrites": []

This rough patch resolves my immediate use case (simple redirects), verified via patch-package and deployed to netlify. Probably needs to be fleshed out more to handle all of the NextJS redirect features (has, missing, etc).


diff --git a/node_modules/@netlify/plugin-nextjs/lib/helpers/redirects.js b/node_modules/@netlify/plugin-nextjs/lib/helpers/redirects.js
index 7002f41..8577698 100644
--- a/node_modules/@netlify/plugin-nextjs/lib/helpers/redirects.js
+++ b/node_modules/@netlify/plugin-nextjs/lib/helpers/redirects.js
@@ -180,7 +180,35 @@ const generateDynamicRewrites = ({ dynamicRoutes, prerenderedDynamicRoutes, midd
 exports.generateDynamicRewrites = generateDynamicRewrites;
 const generateRedirects = async ({ netlifyConfig, nextConfig: { i18n, basePath, trailingSlash, appDir }, buildId, apiLambdas, }) => {
     const { dynamicRoutes: prerenderedDynamicRoutes, routes: prerenderedStaticRoutes } = await (0, fs_extra_1.readJSON)((0, pathe_1.join)(, 'prerender-manifest.json'));
-    const { dynamicRoutes, staticRoutes } = await (0, fs_extra_1.readJSON)((0, pathe_1.join)(, 'routes-manifest.json'));
+    const { redirects, dynamicRoutes, staticRoutes } = await (0, fs_extra_1.readJSON)((0, pathe_1.join)(, 'routes-manifest.json'));
+    netlifyConfig.redirects.push(...redirects.reduce((redirects, redirect) => {
+        const { source: route, destination: to, statusCode: status, has, missing, internal } = redirect;
+        // TODO: confirm we should skip all `internal` routes
+        if (internal) {
+            return redirects;
+        }
+        // TODO: support missing / has
+        if (missing || has) {
+            console.warn('[skipping unsupported NextJS redirect]', redirect);
+            return redirects;
+        }
+        return [
+            ...redirects,
+            ...(0, utils_1.redirectsForNextRoute)({
+                route,
+                basePath,
+                to,
+                status,
+                buildId,
+                force: true,
+                i18n: null,
+            }),
+        ];
+    }, []));
     if (i18n && i18n.localeDetection !== false) {
         netlifyConfig.redirects.push(...generateLocaleRedirects({ i18n, basePath, trailingSlash }));

bumping this, I need Next.js rewrites in order to redirect my API routes. Have used the patch in the time being but would much prefer this resolved in the package.

bumping this, I need Next.js rewrites in order to redirect my API routes. Have used the patch in the time being but would much prefer this resolved in the package.

I had this issue recently, I was told by support that Netlify is currently working to resolve known issues for their nextjs 13/14 runtimes, and was asked to use a _redirects or netlify.toml file instead.

bumping this, I need Next.js rewrites in order to redirect my API routes. Have used the patch in the time being but would much prefer this resolved in the package.

I had this issue recently, I was told by support that Netlify is currently working to resolve known issues for their nextjs 13/14 runtimes, and was asked to use a _redirects or netlify.toml file instead.

I tried both _redirects and a normally use a netlify.toml, but I think that API routes can't be mapped with these / I couldn't figure out how to get them to work with it.

Hi, I'm dealing with the same problem. Any solution?

When I was using Umami, I also encountered this issue. I hope Netlify can fix this issue


I think this is resolved with v5 of the plugin. I updated @netlify/plugin-nextjs to 5.0.0 and removed my workaround and all my redirects seem to be working as expected, including ones that previously didn't work.

If you're on Next.js >= 13.5 and node >= 18, give the v5 plugin a try and it should hopefully resolve your issues.

Fixed in v5.