
Behat support package for TYPO3 Flow

Primary LanguagePHP

Project preparation

For running the Behat tests you will need some additional contexts. The 'Testing/Behat' context is required, the 'Development/Behat' is only required for running selenium tests.

  • The context Development/Behat should be mounted as a separate virtual host and is used by Behat to do the actual HTTP requests.
  • The context Testing/Behat is used inside the Behat feature context to set up test data and reset the database after each scenario.

These contexts should share the same database to work properly. Make sure to create a new database for the Behat tests since all the data will be removed after each scenario.

Example configuration


        dbname: 'neos_testing_behat'


        dbname: 'neos_testing_behat'
        driver: pdo_mysql
        user: ''
        password: ''

Example virtual host configuration for Apache::

<VirtualHost *:80>
	DocumentRoot "FLOW_ROOT/Web"
	ServerName neos.behat.test
	SetEnv FLOW_CONTEXT Development/Behat


This package provides 2 commands to ease the setup of Behat in your Flow project:


This command will add Behat to the "Build/Behat" folder, install a binary to "bin/behat" and download a current version of the selenium server to "bin/selenium-server.jar". For installing all composer packages this command depends on having "composer" installed in your PATH. If you don't meet that requirement you should manually run a "composer install" in the "Build/Behat" folder.

./flow behat:kickstart --package-key <My.Package> --host <http://my.host/>


This command will add a Tests/Behavior folder with basic Behat tests to the specified package

./flow behat:kickstart My.Package http://my.host/

After the setup and kickstart of Behat tests in a package you can execute the tests with this command:

bin/behat -c Packages/Application/My.Package/Tests/Behavior/behat.yml

You might want to warmup the cache before you start the test. Otherwise the tests might fail due to a timeout. You can do that with FLOW_CONTEXT=Development/Behat ./flow flow:cache:warmup.

Configuring Behat

We advise to ship a behat.yml.dist file in your package and put the behat.yml path in the ignore configuration for your versioning system (for git this means the .gitignore). Doing so you can put a sane default configuration in the behat.yml.dist file which a developer can use for running the tests. If the developer needs to change that configuration he can make a local copy as behat.yml, change it at will and use it for running the tests.

To run the tests, Behat needs a base URI pointing to the special virtual host running with the Development/Behat context. To set a custom base URI the default file should be copied and customized

cd Packages/Application/TYPO3.Neos/Tests/Behavior
cp behat.yml.dist behat.yml
# Edit file behat.yml

Customized behat.yml

    features: Features
    bootstrap: %behat.paths.features%/Bootstrap
      files_path: features/Resources
      show_cmd: 'open %s'
      goutte: ~
      selenium2: ~

      base_url: http://neos.behat.test/


Some tests require a running Selenium server for testing browser advanced interaction and JavaScript. Selenium Server can be downloaded at http://docs.seleniumhq.org/download/ and started with::

java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.x.0.jar


  • Make sure to use a new database and configure the same databse for Development/Behat and Testing/Behat
  • Run Behat with the -v option to get more information about errors and failed tests
  • A failed step can be inspected by inserting "Then show last response" in the .feature definition