
Show multiple, overlapping events across calendar days and rows. Rails plugin.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Easily show multiple, overlapping events across calendar days and rows.
See http://dev.elevationblog.com/2009/7/23/event-calendar-rails-plugin for a screenshot.

Based off of James Urquhart's http://www.cuppadev.co.uk/webdev/making-a-real-calendar-in-rails/ which in turn is based on Geoffrey Grosenbach's CalendarHelper.

After install, the "calendar" method will be available within your views.


script/plugin install git://github.com/elevation/event_calendar.git

To generate stylesheet, javascript, and sample bg grid images:

script/generate event_calendar


Say you have an event model, created with a migration like this:
  create_table :events do |t|
    t.string :name
    t.datetime :start_at
    t.datetime :end_at

At minimum needs to have the start_at and end_at fields.

In addition, event can have a color field, a hex value stored as a string, which determines the color of the event.
Or you can override the default virtual attribute on the event model, if for example, you have a calendar model that events are associated with, where each calendar has its own color.

Then in your event.rb, add:

Then if you create and hookup the calendar controller


  map.calendar "/calendar/:year/:month", :controller => "calendar", :action => "index", :year => Time.now.year, :month => Time.now.month


  def index
    @month = params[:month].to_i
    @year = params[:year].to_i

    @shown_month = Date.civil(@year, @month)

    @event_strips = Event.event_strips_for_month(@shown_month)

Can create helper methods, or put this directly in the view. The key is our calendar method, which takes some options.

  module CalendarHelper
    def month_link(month_date)
      link_to(month_date.strftime("%B"), {:month => month_date.month, :year => month_date.year})
    # custom options for this calendar
    def event_calendar_options
        :year => @year,
        :month => @month,
        :event_strips => @event_strips,
        :month_name_text => @shown_month.strftime("%B %Y"),
        :previous_month_text => "<< " + month_link(@shown_month.last_month),
        :next_month_text => month_link(@shown_month.next_month) + " >>"

    def event_calendar
      calendar event_calendar_options do |event|
        "<a href='/events/#{event.id}' title=\"#{h(event.name)}\"><div>#{h(event.name)}</div></a>"
Notice you can pass in a block to the calendar method. In this example I'm passing a link to the event details, and displaying the event's name.

Then in calendar view, simply:

<%= event_calendar %>

(Remember to include the stylesheet and javascript in your layout/view as well.)

The default options for the calendar are:

  defaults = {
    :year => Time.now.year,
    :month => Time.now.month,
    :table_class => 'calendar',
    :month_name_class => 'monthName',
    :other_month_class => 'otherMonth',
    :day_name_class => 'dayName',
    :day_class => 'day',
    :abbrev => (0..2),
    :first_day_of_week => 0,
    :accessible => false,
    :show_today => true,
    :month_name_text => Time.now.strftime("%B %Y"),
    :previous_month_text => nil,
    :next_month_text => nil,
    :start => nil,
    :event_strips => [],
    :event_width => 85,
    :event_height => 18,
    :min_height => 70,
    :event_margin => 2
You can override any of these by passing your options to the calendar method.
Note, if you change the event_width option, you will need to change the .calendar background-image in the CSS file. There are two images included for 85px and 120px.

The event select color is set in the event_calendar.js file.


Add tests!


Jeff Schuil

Copyright (c) 2009 Elevation, released under the MIT license