
Kavenegar PHP - API Client for sending SMS in Zabbix

Primary LanguagePHP


Alert script for sending SMS in Zabbix via Kavenegar APIs.


You need to make an account on Kavenegar from Here Then, you should pick API-KEY up from My Account section.


  1. Copy all files to Zabbix "alertscripts" folder, usually located in this path:
  1. Set the "Read", "Write", and "Execute" permission (755) the "KavenegarSendSMS.php":
sudo chmod 755 /usr/lib/zabbix/alertscripts/KavenegarSendSMS.php
  1. On Zabbix's side menu, open the Allerts > Media types and then click on Create media type button on top right corner.

    • Set the Name
    • On the Type, Select the "Script"
    • On the Script name, enter this script: "KavenegarSendSMS.php"
    • On the Script parameters add the parameters you need (same as screenshot). The parameters will be parsed to $argv[1], $argv[2], ... in KavenegarSendSMS.php, in the same order as they are added.
    • After setting Message templates and Options, Click the Add button. image
  2. Now you can test the script by clicking the Test button. image

    • Enter test values for the parameters and then click the Test button.
    • You can check the API Calls here: Developer/UserActivity.
  3. You can also use "Send" or "SendArray" instead of "VerifyLookup" by editing KavenegarSendSMS.php according to the Kavenegar RESTful API Documentation.


Bug fixes, docs, and enhancements welcome! Please let us know support@kavenegar.com