
BASIC Websocket

Websocket works as a continuous connection between server and client side.



To install the websocket in nodeJs we need to use the package manager npm:

npm i -s


To configure the websocket, it must be connected to the listener returned from listen function of express object in the client side. Then must be configured in the client side importing a file configured by the lib.

Server Side

const app = require('express')()

const socket = require('')
const io = socket.listen(app)

The socket.listen function returns a server side connection object.

Client side

<script src='/'>
    socket = io('http://localhost:8080')

The io function returns a client side connection object too.

Connection and Disconnect Events (SERVER SIDE)

The data exchanged between server and client sides occours by events.

To listen events we have to use the on function of the io object. An event can be defined and named as you want. Some events are pre-defined by the

Some pre-defined events are 'connection' and 'disconnect'. The pre-defined 'connection' event answers when a connection is stabilished and the pre-defined 'disconnect' event answers when a connection is lost.

In example, imagine if you want to show in the server console when a user connect and disconnect from the websocket. The events above can be used:

io.on('connection', function (socket) => {
    console.log('Client connected') 

    socket.on('disconnect', function() {
        console.log('Client disconnected')

Here we have to use the io object returned from the socket.listen function to listen the events.

Setting Up a Global Socket Constant (SERVER SIDE)

To use the socket connection to send message to the client in the pages we want to do, we need to set up the constant with the io object from require(''), we need to create a global to be used in all the system.

To create a global in express just need to put the constant in the set function of express object:

app.set('socket', io) // set socket constant globally

Then, wee need to get the constant anywhere in the system we want using the following:

const socket = app.get('socket')

Sending a Message and Receiving the sent Message and executing an action (ANY SIDE)

At any time we want to send a message to the other side (server <=> client) we need to use the emit function of the io object

Suppose we want that every time an user access the chat page, the browser shows to any user connected in the chat that someone entered.

We can call the global socket connection to send a message in chat controller.

Example (in chat controller):

const socket = app.get('socket')
socket.emit('messageToClient', { message: 'A user has entered the chat'})

To send the message from server to client or client to server the method is the same!

To listen the message and take an action just use the on method explained above using the same name of the event given in the emit function.

example (in client side, chat.ejs):

<script src='/'>
    socket = io('http://localhost:8080')
    socket.on('messageToClient', function (dataReceived) {
        // action to do

the dataReceived is the message sent in the emit function above and you can acess the message using the message property setted in the object passed in emit second parameter:


Broadcasting a message (SERVER SIDE)

If you want to send a message to all clients connected by the websocket, the io object has a method to realize this action.

The method is called broadcast, and once it is emitting a message it cames before the emit function. so all you need to do is the following:

const socket = app.get('socket')
socket.broadcast.emit('messageToClient', { message: 'this message goes to all clients connected'})

The message above goes to all clients connected that listen the messageToClient event.

IMPORTANT: When a message is sent to server, then the server emit this message to client, the emit function emits the data only to the cliente who send the message to server. The broadcast send message to all other clients but don't for the client who send the original message!