Avanced React Concepts - Case Study

  • yarn
  • Atomic Design
  • Monorepo with Lerna
  • Story Book
  • Automated Tests


  • add CHROMATIC regression test to ci
  • configure netlify to build and deploy story books


Open the terminal on the root folder and type the following.

To install all packages at once:


To build all packages at once:

yarn build

Testing on the Playground

Needs to be installed first.

Open the terminal on the playground folder and run the following command:

yarn dev

Development Mode

To install all the dependencies and start the development server with hot reloadings go the the root folder of the project and run the following:

yarn && yarn dev


Open the terminal on the root folder and type the following. Obs. Needs to be installed first. See "Instalation" section of this README.

yarn test


To publish the packages to NPM using lerna:

  1. Create an account on NPM.
  2. open the terminal on the root folder.
  3. Login on NPM with the command npm login
  4. Pubish to NPM using the command yarn publish
    1. Chose the version
    2. Accept the publish

The process above will commit changes on git (but don't push changes to remote) using the version number as commit message.