iOS Pitch Detector & Video Exporter
demo of pitch detection and video exporting. This guy uses an open source pitch tracker named dywapitchtrack ( to track monophonic pitch from the microphone or an input file. The video exporter creates a CADisplay timer which takes a (retina!) photo of a UIView handed to it at a regular interval of 60 Hz. This video can then be combined with an audio file.
Navigate to the directory in terminal and type "pod install"
Using the Pitch Tracking
File Tracker
The file tracker can be used by selecting the 'pitch' option on the segmented control and then pressing either of the play buttons. A sinusoid audio file will then be played. The file contains the frequencies 110, 220, 330, 440, 550, 660, 770, and 880 at even increments. The pitch tracker will output to the debugger what it thinks the current pitch is. The format for the output is
Rec. Pitch: pitch in hertz
Microphone Tracker
The microphone tracker is always on while the application is running. You simply speak, sing, or make noise into the simulator or iOS device and the microphone tracker will output to the debugger what it thinks the pitch is. The text will be formatted as follows
Live Pitch: pitch in hertz
Using the Video Exporting
The video exporter is started by pressing the Record Video button. Wait some time and then press the button again to stop the recording. After the rendering has completed, a tone audio file will be added to the video created. The video will be saved to the Documents directory of the iPad or simulator.
Locating the files from Simulator
~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/[DEVICE UUID]/data/Containers/Data/Application/[APP UUID]/Documents
where [DEVICE UUID] and [APP UUID] will be giant strings that identify your app and device. Trial and error often works for me to find the correct folders.
The files and will be in the folder. The first file has no audio, and the second file has audio added to the file.
Locating the files from Device
In XCode 6, hit Shift Command 2 to open the devices window. Alternatively hit Window->Devices in the tool bar. Select your connected iOS device. Select AudioAPITesting in the section Installed Apps. Press the gear below Installed Apps. Select Download Container. Save the container and view it in Finder. Right click the container. Select Show Package Contents. Navigate to AppData->Documents and the files and should be in the folder.
Known issues
Microphone Pitch Tracking
The pitch tracking algorithm does not handle audio stopping very well. It will spit report a bunch of bad values when input to the microphone stops.