built with angular, and its ui-related components, to make us focus on biz development, and aims to expolore data visualization.
git clone <>
npm install
bower install
grunt serve # disable browser check crossorign or add subdomin at wandoulabs at host
open -a /Applications/Google\ Chrome.app --args --disable-web-security
- angular
- ui-router
- ui-bootstrap
- ui-grid
- ui-select2
- ngDialog
- angular-validator
- highchart
- ace editor
- tdbc
- knockout (abandoned)
- codemirror (abandoned)
- jquery-ui timepicker-addon (abandoned)
- report
- dashboard
- muce query
- subscribe
- channels
- analyze
- more friendly bootstrap(less verbose ui def )
- more friendly form
- more friendly api mapper
- 加上 buzy 模块(global, btn, partial etc) 思考 loading indicator 怎么做
- 丰富 mock 数据(看看 Programtic 的方式怎么搞)
- 开始各种 transformer 了... 先对 add modal 回归下
- 把 multi-choose 移植到 metric modal 中
- report detail 的开发
- date-range 开发
- period group btn@setting 的显隐 控制
- dimension advanced 和外围的约束
- 对 formly 加上 validator 的支持
- 美化样式.... huge work!