These are my iOS class slides, currently being redone to be a bit more modern. labs are XCode projects, code are snippets not necessarily suitable as full blown labs, schedule.yml is the actual slide content. Run guard to update while editing.

Required to build slides:

  • Pygments ( easy_install pygments )
    • This is going away in the future.
  • Pandoc ( brew install ghc, brew install haskell-platform, cabal install pandoc )
  • Menukeys ( tlmgr install menukeys )
  • TeXLive
  • pdflatex ( likely included with a TeX distribution? I'm using )
  • Ruby
  • Bundler
  • PDF to Keynote


Install the above packages, then run bundle install to install any required Ruby gems. You can rebuild all slides by executing, or you can use guard to regenerate the slides as you make changes.

Server code has class instructions as well as test URLs for class code to hit. Push to heroku via git subtree push --prefix server heroku master

Server currently up at: