
Plone integration for the python 'schedule' library

Primary LanguagePython


This package integrates the python 'schedule' library (https://github.com/dbader/schedule) with Plone.

It provides the following:

  • A ZML interface for scheduling jobs
  • A single 'tick' job processing view that can be registered using a Zope Clock Server


First add collective.schedule to your buildout eggs. Then register the collective.schedule 'tick' method as a clock server in your buildout config:


recipe = plone.recipe.zope2instance
zope-conf-additional =
      method /plonesitename/@@schedule-tick
      # If you have virtual host rewriting, you will need to
      # use the following format instead:
      # method /VirtualHostBase/http/www.mysite.com/plonesitename/VirtualHostRoot/@@schedule-tick
      period 300
      user username
      password password

Scheduling jobs

You can then register jobs using ZCML as follows:


    <include package="collective.schedule" />



Where 'view' is the name of a browser view that can be looked up on the Plone Site and executed with the user defined in the clock server above.

For more details on the options for scheduling jobs, see https://github.com/dbader/schedule