Supporting materials for "Making Musical Apps" by Peter Brinkmann Useful links * libpd at GitHub: * libpd community site: (still under construction) * Get the ebook: * Get a printed copy: * Author's blog: * Author's twitter feed: * MIDI over Bluetooth for Android: Sample patches The patches directory contains some sample patches from Chapter 2 of the book. Sample projects The sample projects for Android and iOS are set up with the assumption that this repository has been cloned into the same parent directory as pd-for-android and pd-for-ios. For example, you can clone them all into your Documents directory. When importing the sample project for Android into Eclipse, make sure to select "Import -> General -> Existing Projects into Workspace". If you see spurious errors, have Eclipse clean and rebuilt your workspace. RjDj scenes The scenes directory contains sample RjDj scenes, used with generous permission from Frank Barknecht and Roman Haefeli.