
iCloud backup download tool (Java)

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT



Download iCloud backups.

  • Ok! So I'm going to be snowed under with work and other commitments. Sadly this does mean that my Github projects will remain on indefinite hiatus.

* iOS 9 breaking changes *

Backups created with iOS 9 devices are unrecoverable with LiquidDonkey. Until the underlying mechanism for the new API are described, this situation will not change. I apologise in advance.

What is it?

Java command-line tool to download iCloud backups, reworked from iLoot, iphone-dataprotection and mobileme scripts. All copyrights belong to their respective owners.

This tool is for educational purposes only. Make sure it's not illegal in your country before use.

Why LiquidDonkey?

  • Speed. Python crytographical functions may bottleneck backups with slow staggered downloads.
  • Multi-threading. More consistent bandwidth utilization.
  • Tolerance. Options for persistent retrieval algorithms, tested over a lamentable Wi-Fi connection.
  • Resume backups. Interrupted downloads to the same folder continue where they left off, unless specified otherwise.
  • Filtering. More options to download the files you want to.
  • Additional connection options. Including relaxed SSL verification.
  • Free! MIT license.


Requires Java 8 JRE/ JDK and Maven.

Download, extract and navigate to the LiquidDonkey folder:

~/LiquidDonkey $ mvn package

The executable Jar is located at /target/LiquidDonkey.jar


~/LiquidDonkey/target $ java -jar LiquidDonkey.jar --help
usage: LiquidDonkey [OPTION]... (<token> | <appleid> <password>)
 -o,--output <arg>             Output folder.
 -c,--combined                 Do not separate each snapshot into its own
 -u,--udid <hex>               Download the backup/s with the specified
                               UDID/s. Will match partial UDIDs. Leave
                               empty to download all.
 -s,--snapshot <int>           Only download data in the snapshot/s
                               Negative numbers indicate relative
                               positions from newest backup with -1 being
                               the newest, -2 second newest, etc.
    --item-types <item_type>   Only download the specified item type/s:
                               CALL_HISTORY(call_history.db) PHOTOS(.jpg
                               .jpeg) MOVIES(.mov .mp4 .avi) PNG(.png)
                               SMS(sms.db) VOICEMAILS(voicemail)
 -d,--domain <str>             Limit files to those within the specified
                               application domain/s.
 -r,--relative-path <str>      Limit files to those with the specified
                               relative path/s
 -e,--extension <str>          Limit files to those with the specified
    --min-date <date>          Minimum last-modified timestamp, ISO format
                               date. E.g. 2000-12-31.
    --max-date <date>          Maximum last-modified timestamp, ISO format
                               date. E.g. 2000-12-31.
    --min-size <Kb>            Minimum size in kilobytes.
    --max-size <Kb>            Maximum size in kilobytes.
 -f,--force                    Download files regardless of whether a
                               local version exists.
 -p,--persistent               More persistent in the handling of network
                               errors, for unstable connections.
 -a,--aggressive               Aggressive retrieval tactics.
 -t,--threads <int>            The maximum number of concurrent threads.
    --relax-ssl                Relaxed SSL verification, for SSL
                               validation errors.
 -x,--stack-trace              Prints stack trace on errors, useful for
    --token                    Output authentication token and exit.
    --help                     Display this help and exit.
    --version                  Output version information and exit.

Download all files:

~/LiquidDonkey/target $ java -jar LiquidDonkey/target/LiquidDonkey.jar me@icloud.com password
Listed backups:

1:	Device:	iPad Air XXXXX (iPad4,2)
	Size:	67.1 MB
	    1 >	James's iPad 8.0.2   41.2 MB  Wed, 15 Mar 2015 13:25:32 GMT
	   14 >	James's iPad 8.0.2   12.2 MB  Tue, 3 Nov 2014 03:45:12 GMT
	   15 >	James's iPad 8.0.2   13.7 MB  Wed, 21 Mar 2015 01:15:20 GMT

2:	Device:	iPhone 6 XXXXX (iPhone7,2)
	Size:	4.4 GB
	    1 >	James's iPhone 8.4    4.1 GB  Tue, 4 Aug 2015 12:41:38 +0100
	  125 >	James's iPhone 8.4  122.2 MB  Mon, 3 Aug 2015 13:28:01 +0100
	  126 >	James's iPhone 8.4  155.4 MB  Tue, 4 Aug 2015 12:11:34 +0100

Select backup/s to download (leave blank to select all, q to quit):
: 1
Retrieving snapshot: 15 (James's iPad)
	HomeDomain Library/SpringBoard/LockBackgroundThumbnail.jpg Success.

Download photos only to the specified output folder:

~/LiquidDonkey/target $ java -jar LiquidDonkey/target/LiquidDonkey.jar me@icloud.com password --item-types photos --output ~/backups/iCloud

Download photos over an unstable internet connection, e.g. bad Wi-Fi reception:

~/LiquidDonkey/target $ java -jar LiquidDonkey/target/LiquidDonkey.jar me@icloud.com password --item-types photos --persistent

By default if you're saving to the same directory, DonkeyLooter will carry on where it left off. It will not download those files again unless forced to:

~/LiquidDonkey/target $ java -jar LiquidDonkey/target/LiquidDonkey.jar me@icloud.com password --output ~/backups/iCloud --force

By default DonkeyLooter will separate out snapshots into their respective sub-folders, unless combining is specified:

~/LiquidDonkey/target $ java -jar LiquidDonkey/target/LiquidDonkey.jar me@icloud.com password --output ~/backups/iCloud --combined


Although it works wonderfully, consider this project to be in the alpha state. I will introduce, amend and test features as time permits. Please report any bugs. Developed on an Ubuntu Linux box. Functional on VM Windows 7 and VM OS X Yosemite 10.10.


I would be grateful if any knowledgeable persons would be able to assist with:

  • The MBSFile block specifies a 160-bit file checksum/ signature. It's not plain SHA-1. What is the algorithm?