
A ruby wrapper for Network For Goods restful API

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

#NfgRestClient The NfgRestClient gem is a wrapper for NetworkForGood's restful donation API. Using the Flexirest gem (https://github.com/andyjeffries/flexirest), the NfgRestClient makes it simple to consume the donation API for both retrieving information and creating donations and donors.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'nfg-rest-client'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install nfg-rest-client


Obtaining a partner account at NetworkforGood

Please thoroughly review the docs at http://docs.networkforgoodapi.apiary.io/#introduction/working-with-network-for-good for detailed information on obtaining partner credentials for Network For Good, working with the API, and PCI-compliance requirements and recommendations.

The apiary documentation also includes detailed information about the api, along with additional endpoints that may not yet have been implemented in this ruby wrapper.

Generate the configuration initializer

To generate the configuration initializer, run

  rails g nfg_rest_client:install

This will generate a config/initializers/nfg_rest_client.rb file containing the following:

# Set your NetworkForGood authorization credentials here

# Do not include your credentials in your repository. You should
# place them in env variables (or similar) and refer to those
# variables here. Your sandbox and production credentials will be different.
NfgRestClient::Base.password = "nfg-password"
NfgRestClient::Base.userid =  "nfg-userid"
NfgRestClient::Base.source = "nfg-source"

# Please refer to the Readme doc for instructions on obtaining
# a sandbox and production token (they will be different)
NfgRestClient::Base.token = "your nfg token"

# When using the gem in a production environment
# it is expected that all requests will be against
# the NFG production servers. In all other environments
# the gem will use the sandbox servers
if Rails.env.production?
  NfgRestClient::Base.use_sandbox = false

Generating an access token

Using the AccessToken model

Using the AccessToken model in this gem. To generate a production access token you would need to have this gem installed and configured in your production code before generating the token using the code below from your production server's console

at = NfgRestClient::AccessToken.new

If token is blank, look at

Using Curl

Using a curl statement. You should run this both for the sandbox from any development machine with whitelisted IP addresses, and your production server(s) that have also been whitelisted

For the sandbox

curl --include \
     --request POST \
     --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --data-binary "{
    \"source\": \"YOUR_SOURCE\",
    \"userid\": \"YOUR USERID\",
    \"password\": \"YOUR_PASSWORD\",
    \"scope\": \"donation donation-reporting\"
}" \

For production

curl --include \
     --request POST \
     --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --data-binary "{
    \"source\": \"YOUR_SOURCE\",
    \"userid\": \"YOUR USERID\",
    \"password\": \"YOUR_PASSWORD\",
    \"scope\": \"donation donation-reporting\"
}" \

Creating a Donation

There are two methods for using the API to create donations. You can do so with credit card information, or with a previously saved card on file.

Using credit card information.

To create a donation using credit card information, perform the following:

donation = NfgRestClient.donation.new(donation_params)
if !donation.valid?
  # handle invalid donation params
  flash[:error] = donation.full_error_messages
  if donation.successful?
    # perform successful donation operations
    # perform unsuccessful donation operations

The create method will also call valid?, so you can skip the separate step

Donation params can be in the form of a hash (for more information, see http://docs.networkforgoodapi.apiary.io/#reference/donation/credit-card-donations/make-a-credit-card-or-card-on-file-donation):

  "donationLineItems" => [{
      "organizationId" => "590624430",
      "organizationIdType" => "Ein",
      "designation" => "Project A",
      "dedication" => "In honor of grandma",
      "donorPrivacy" => "ProvideAll",
      "amount" => "12.00",
      "feeAddOrDeduct" => "Deduct",
      "transactionType" => "Donation",
      "recurrence" => "NotRecurring"
      "organizationId" => "510126000486",
      "organizationIdType" => "NcesSchoolId",
      "designation" => "Gym",
      "donorPrivacy" => "ProvideNameAndEmailOnly",
      "amount" => "47.00",
      "feeAddOrDeduct" => "Add",
      "transactionType" => "Donation"
  "totalAmount" => 60.41,
  "tipAmount" => 0,
  "partnerTransactionId" => "1bf1c16c-fdb7-4579-abab-738dbbe852ed",
  "payment" => {
      "source" => "CreditCard",
      "storeCardOnFile" => "true",
      "donor" => {
          "ip" => "",
          "token" => "802f365c-ed3d-4c80-8700-374aee6ac62c",
          "firstName" => "Francis",
         "lastName" => "Carter",
         "email" => "FrancisGCarter@teleworm.us",
         "phone" => "954-922-6971",
         "billingAddress" => {
           "street1" => "3731 Pointe Lane",
           "city" => "Hollywood",
           "state" => "FL",
           "postalCode" => "33020",
           "country" => "US"
       "creditCard" => {
         "nameOnCard" => "Francis G. Carter",
         "type" => "Visa",
         "number" => "4111111111111111",
         "expiration" => {
           "month" => 11,
           "year" => 2019
         "securityCode" => "123"


The keys in the hash can be underscored ("credit_card") or camel cased ("creditCard" with the first character lower cased). Once the object is initialized, all attributes will use the camel case format.

You can also build the donation object from individual objects or any mixture of hash key/values and NfgRestClient objects:

donation_line_item = NfgRestClient::DonationLineItem.new(donation_line_item_params)
credit_card = NfgRestClient::CreditCard.new(credit_card_params)
donor = NfgRestClient::CreditCardDonor.new(donor_params)
credit_card_payment = NfgRestClient::CreditCardPayment.new("donor" => donor, "credit_card" => credit_card)
donation = NfgRestClient::Donation.new(
    "donation_line_items" => [donation_line_item],
    "total_amount" => 60.41, #in dollars with 2 decimal cents
    "tip_amount" => 0,
    "partner_transaction_id" => "your_systems_order_number",
    "payment" => credit_card_payment
if donation.successful?
  # handle successful donation
  order.charge_id = donation.chargeId
  # handle unsuccessful donation
  flash[:errors] = donation.response_error_details

Each of the individual components have their own validations. So you can verify that the credit card information has non-invalid parameters before building your donation object


credit_card = NfgRestClient::CreditCard.new(credit_card_params)

Using a Card On File

To use a card on file, you must first create one at NFG. There are two ways to do this.

When sending a credit card donation, you can set the payment's storeCardOnFile to true:
credit_card_payment = NfgRestClient::CreditCardPayment.new(credit_card_payment_params)
credit_card_payment.storeCardOnFile = true
# use credit_card_payment in a donation

The results will include a cardOnFileId, (donation.cardOnFile) which you would need to store to use later.

By sending a separate CardOnFile create request:
card_on_file = NfgRestClient::CardOnFile.new(card_on_file_params)
if !card_on_file.valid?
  # handle invalid card_on_file params
  flash[:error] = card_on_file.full_error_messages
  if card_on_file.successful?
    # perform successful card_on_file operations
    donor.card_on_file_id = card_on_file.cardOnFileId
    # perform unsuccessful card_on_file operations

The card on file params (for more information, see http://docs.networkforgoodapi.apiary.io/#reference/donor/card-on-file-operations/store-a-credit-card-on-file):

  "donor" => {
      "ip" => "",
      "token" => "802f365c-ed3d-4c80-8700-374aee6ac62c",
      "first_name" => "Francis",
     "last_name" => "Carter",
     "email" => "FrancisGCarter@teleworm.us",
     "phone" => "954-922-6971",
     "billing_address" => {
       "street1" => "3731 Pointe Lane",
       "city" => "Hollywood",
       "state" => "FL",
       "postal_code" => "33020",
       "country" => "US"
   "creditCard" => {
     "nameOnCard" => "Francis G. Carter",
     "type" => "Visa",
     "number" => "4111111111111111",
     "expiration" => {
       "month" => 11,
       "year" => 2019
     "securityCode" => "123"

As with the other params, the hash can have underscored or camel cased keys, or a mixture of them.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To run the remote tests you will ned to do the following:

  1. Obtain sandbox credentials from Network for Good.
  2. Update the spec_helper_remote.rb file with these credentials
  3. Run just the access token spec (rspec spec\remote\access_token_spec.rb) to obtain an access token.
  4. Updte the spec_helper_remote.rb file with your access token.

Then you can run all of the tests with rspec spec\remote, though it is likely better to run them one at a time.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/[USERNAME]/nfg-rest-client. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.