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light-4j framework build upon undertow server. Undertow manager session in single node module and doesn't support distributed session management.
Light-session aims to provide a common infrastructure for managing sessions in distributed environment.
Light-session provide different types of repository for distributed session management which include Hazelcast, JDBD and Redis.
session-core --- core components and interfaces for the session management. It should be included any type of repository. And this module also provide in memory session manager for single node.
hazelcast-mananger --- use hazelcast as repository for session management. Session will be persisted in the hazelcast distributed cache repository.
jdbc-manager --- use RDBMS database as repository for session management. Session will be persisted in the database tables.
redis-manager --- use redis as repository for session management. Session will be persisted in the redis in-memory data structure store.
In memory session manager provided in the session-core module. System use the Caffeine as in memory cache to store the session:
In server.yml file:
- com.networknt.session.SessionManager:
- com.networknt.session.MapSessionManager
System use the Hazelcast as distributed cache repository to store the session:
In server.yml file:
- com.networknt.session.SessionManager:
- com.networknt.session.hazelcast.HazelcastSessionManager
System provide two set of DDL script, one for Oracle, another for postgres. User need create the tables in the database before use the session management:
In server.yml file:
- com.networknt.session.SessionManager:
- com.networknt.session.jdbc.JdbcSessionManager
Below is the sample for the script:
DROP table IF EXISTS light_session;
DROP table IF EXISTS light_session_attributes;
CREATE TABLE light_session (
session_id VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL,
creation_time bigint NOT NULL,
last_access_time bigint NOT NULL,
max_inactive_interval int,
expiry_time bigint,
principal_name VARCHAR(100),
PRIMARY KEY(session_id)
CREATE TABLE light_session_attributes (
session_id VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL,
attribute_name VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL,
attribute_bytes BYTEA,
PRIMARY KEY(session_id, attribute_name)
In server.yml file:
- com.networknt.session.SessionManager:
- com.networknt.session.redis.RedisSessionManager
User need start redis server before build and test the application
docker run --name some-redis -p 6379:6379 -d redis redis-server --appendonly yes
docker exec -it some-redis bash
/data# redis-cli ping
Result should be: PONG