
What game or library is using UniRx?

neuecc opened this issue ยท 19 comments

I'm using it in my projects: (deprecated, but has more information in description) (new one, still in progress)

Many thanks to you for the project: it helped me to implement concurrency in the Unity apps in nice way.

Thank you, I've added it.

I'm using UniRX in my project (but it's not be released yet ๐Ÿ˜…). I could learn convenience of reactive programming by UniRX, thank you so much.

@shiwano Thank you, added!

We are using it in our both published games:

Thank you for such a nice library :)

We use it extensively in most of our games. The biggest two:

AdVenture Capitalist:
AdVenture Communist:

I also mentioned it in a talk I gave at GDC:

@saynomoo @FodderMK
Thank you and sorry for delay response.
I've added your great works!

Hello! I used UniRx to recreate the Suggestion Box from @staltz's Reactive Programming tutorial, maybe other people will find it useful:

Hey, you have one of my other libs on here EcsRx I have just done a simple 2-way binding system on top of unirx for unity BindingsRx, up to you if you want it added to the docs.

I am using UniRx for many UI, and some messaging between game systems.
You can check the game out at

It seems that "Super Mario Run" (iOS) is using your library.

Go to "Options" -> "About this App" -> "Copyright" -> First library listed

Hi! We're using UniRx for UI components as well as web API calls to an in-house web service that we're using to build a Steam game that's coming out on Early Access:

Hi! All the game logic and UI in our game use UniRx

One of a highlight of using UniRx is follow three line code I imply a logic of attack combo, very excite~
Public ReactiveProperty<int> effectAttack = new ReactiveProperty<int>(0);
var throttleStream = effectAttack.Throttle(System.TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(ComboTime)).StartWith(0);
effectAttack.WithLatestFrom(throttleStream, (k, t) => k - t) .Subscribe(c => ShowCombo(c)) .AddTo(this);

Hello. I used UniRx to handle a lot of the Server call and UI update logic for Viveport VR:

otri commented

Conquer uses UniRX for coordinating all the UI and gameplay elements in PeriopSim VR Simulation.

i use in at least a couple of projects:

AlphaECS - yet another Entity Component System framework for Unity that uses UniRx for fully reactive systems and includes support for dependency injection (we use Zenject). It's a fork of EcsRx and heavily inspired by uFrame.

Mecanator - a simple set of tools that add visual scripting power to Mecanim. It uses UniRx for fully reactive state machines. Mecanator is currently in an early / experimental stage, so expect things to improve and also change and break from time to time.

We are using UniRx for include library.
this is a RAD framework. The goal of QFramework is made fresh man develop game as fast as poisible.

And I am writing the chinese version of UniRx Tutorial.