My Store ミニアプリ


git checkout checkpoint-0 から初めましょう!

Git のワークフロー

  1. Begin by forking this repository.


  1. Then, clone down your fork: git clone YOUR_FORK_URL

  2. Then, checkout the appropriate checkpoint branch. Example, for checkpoint 0:

git checkout checkpoint-0 (checkpoint-0 is the branch name)

  1. Read checkpoints/ (for checkpoint 0)

  2. Do some work, then make a commit using git commit.

  3. Once you finish the work for a checkpoint, checkout the next branch. Example: git checkout checkpoint-1

  4. Continue working until you finish!


# install client dependencies
npm install
# install server dependencies
npm install --prefix server

mysql セットアップ

# install mysql
brew install mysql
# start mysql
mysql.server start
# stop mysql
mysql.server stop


# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080 (Also concurrently starts the API server on 3000)
npm start

# build for production with minification
npm run build

# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report

セットアップに関して詳しくは VueJS Templates GuideVue-Loader Docs をご覧ください。