
:gun: A tool for grading your code and test subject in single file. Compiling, splitting, and testing in single command.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Instant Grader CLI

Build Status

A tools for grading your code and test subject which is on the single file.

Video demo here : Youtube

No need to create a new file for test subject just put in the same file where you code. The instant grader automatically split your code file to an individual test case. Compile the file and run every test case. Then show the result to you.

For example. You write the add program in C language. You want to test it with some test case.
Here what its code look like.

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
  int a,b; scanf("%d%d",&a,&b);
  printf("%d\n", a + b);

1 2
4 5


For MacOS user:

brew tap neungkl/instant-grader
brew install instant-grader

For Windows and Linux user:

  1. Clone this project.
  2. Build file make build
  3. Paste grader to the same directory of you code. (Anywhere you want)
  4. Run instant grader.
$ ./build/instant-grader YOUR_FILE
  1. Done.

Advance Usage

From the name of project. It's called CLI. you can customize mostly thing you want in this tools.


$ instant-grader [OPTIONS] YOUR_CODE
$ instant-grader YOUR_CODE [OPTIONS]

# show help documentation
$ instant-grader -h


You can add some parameters to grader.
Something like instant-grader -v for expose all accepted subject and rejected subject.

Option Description Default
-v Show content in both accepted and rejected case -
-o Specific execute file path -
-b Specific bin path ./bin
-in STR Input delimiter in script file "==="
-out STR Output delimiter in script file "---"
--compile CMD Custom compile command. "gcc -o %prog %file"
--run CMD Custom run command. "%prog < %in > %out"

Note: -in and -out delimiter matching only the head of content line.

Options Pattern

Some options are freely used for "Non-specific file"

When you give the options --compile in command.
You have to enter the CMD maybe look like "gcc -o %prog %file"

You don't know the "Exactly" program name. (Because the instant grader will automatic generate program name)
Can use %prog or %file instead.

Option pattern Description
%bin Bin directory
%code Your code file
%prog Compiled program (for interpreted language this file not created)
%progx Compiled program name (only a name not include directory path)
%in Input test case file
%out Output file after run case

Note: %in and %out option is individual file for each test case.
(Not all test case. The program will split test cases to individual file and put each test case to your program)

Option Pattern Scope

Some pattern not allow in some option.
When you customize --compile CMD. You can't use %in %out pattern.

%bin %code %prog %progx %in %out
-o Y Y
--compile Y Y Y
--run Y Y Y Y Y Y
Y Can use


  • --compile "gcc -o %prog %file" Correct.
  • --compile "gcc -o %in %out" Incorrect.
  • --run "python %code < %in > %out" Correct.
  • -o "%code" Incorrect.
  • -o "%bin/%progx" Correct.


Currently tools are support 6 languages. (C, C++, Java, Python, Ruby, Haskell)
If you need more language you can customize via --compile and --run option.
Even more, customize delimiter for test case in your file can edit via -in and -out

There are some sample file in sampleFile directory provide some basic stuff. And some sample test case in each file. Also include a file with stack overflow behavior. You can test it and play along with instant grader to see what its result look like.

Here a list of useful command

  • Multi-language support (depend on extension of file). No need to configure anything.
$ instant-grader code.c
$ instant-grader code.cpp
$ instant-grader code.hs
$ instant-grader code.java
$ instant-grader code.py
$ instant-grader code.rb
  • Verbose mode (Completely show all content in each test case).
$ instant-grader code.cpp -v
  • Customize gcc compile with optimization level 3.
$ instant-grader code.c --compile "gcc -O3 -Wall -o %prog %code"
  • Export compiled program.
$ instant-grader code.c -o code
$ instant-grader code.c -o code --compile "gcc -O3 -Wall -o %prog %code"
  • Customize bin path
$ instant-grader code.cpp -b tmp/
  • Customize delimieter
#include <cstdio>
int main() {
  int N;
  scanf("%d", &N);
  printf("%d", N * 2);

$ instant-grader code.cpp -in "###" -out "+++"
$ instant-grader code.cpp -in "##" -out "++"
$ instant-grader code.cpp -in "#" -out "+"
  • Grade with Python file
    (Program currently support Python. No need to specific compile and run option. This is just example)
$ instant-grader code.py --compile "" --run "python %code < %in > %out"
  • Grade with Java file
$ instant-grader code.java --compile "javac -d %bin %code" --run "java -classpath %bin %progx < %in > %out"
  • Multi combination
$ instant-grader code.cpp -v -b tmp/ -o mycode --compile "g++ -Wall -O3 -o %prog %code" --run "%prog < %in > %out"


For own customization. Here how to build the instant grader

$ make build

While developing.

$ make

For testing

$ make test


Platform support

Instant grader is supported in Linux and MacOS platform. Maybe Windows in future.
But currently, Windows is not supported.

Language support & Prerequisites

You NEED to install compiler of each language before using instant grader. But NO setting for compile and run message.

  • C (require gcc)
  • C++ (require g++)
  • Java (require javac, java)
  • Python (require python)
  • Ruby (require ruby)
  • Haskell (require ghc)

If you using another language you can specific by --compile and --run option. Remember to install necessary compiler before runs instant grader.


  • Kosate Limpongsa (Project owner)


MIT © Kosate Limpongsa