Analysis of an SR-30 Turbojet Engine 2018-04-11
- Jean-Christophe Perrin
- Richard Randall
- Beck Goodloe
- Jason Trinidad
- Tables
- Table of data from lab (temperature, pressure, fuel flow, thrust).
- Table of relevant flow areas
- Plots (four) of the following quantities vs. spool speed
- Station (1-5,8) stagnation pressure
- Station (1-5,8) stagnation temperature
- Station (1-5,8) Mach number
- Station (1-5,8) velocity
- Plot of air flow rate, fuel flow rate, and air-fuel ratio vs. spool speed
- Plot of measured thrust and calculated thrust vs. spool speed
- Plot of specific thrust and thrust specific fuel consumption vs spool speed
- Plot of thermal efficiency vs spool speed
- Plot of compressor power and turbine power vs spool speed
- Plot of compressor, turbine, and nozzle adiabatic efficiencies, combustor stagnation pressure loss, and “apparent combustion efficiency” vs spool speed