
Module on good practices in research software development


Module 0: Good practices in research software development

Welcome to module 0 of the Neural Data Science Course. This module teaches a set of software development skills that are useful in following the rest of the Neural Data Science Course. You will learn how to use the version control system git, and how to collaborate using GitHub. These skills are essential for taking the course.

Optionally, you can learn about: virtual environments, Integrated Software Development Environments (IDEs), Python code style conventions, automatically testing software, software architecture and design, writing reusable software, software management. These skills are vital if you want to develop reusable and sustainable neural data science software, but they are not required for taking the Neural Data Science Course.

In contrast to the other modules, this module just links to lesson material that is developed by others, but we recommend to study before the course.


To make the best out of the material of this module, you will need:

  • Basic Python programming and applying it to your work on a regular basis. If you want to learn more about Python programming we recommend studying this material
  • Basic understanding of the command line interface (shell). If you want to learn about it, we recommend studying this material


For the introduction to version control with git, follow these instructions. For the rest of the module, follow these instructions

Module overview


This module was created by:

  • Sven van der Burg


If you use this module, please cite the materials it refers to.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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You are free to use, modify and redistribute the material in any form, even commercially, as long as you give appropriate credit and indicate if changes were made.