- 0
Sentiment analysis classification: output
#48 opened by Malgorzatta - 4
- 6
Issue in tokenizer with "ÃO" subtokens
#45 opened by monilouise - 4
Example doesn't work (documentation outdated? )
#33 opened by muriloime - 2
#44 opened by monilouise - 3
Error when training at LSTM mode
#41 opened by monilouise - 2
- 6
Issue with conlleval
#40 opened by monilouise - 2
Using with SpaCy 3.0
#32 opened by elymatos - 4
Download link access denied
#39 opened by Joao-Luz - 3
- 4
- 4
For cases like O->I, should I manually set the corresponding entries in the transition probability matrix to zero?
#38 opened by lkqnaruto - 0
Some questions about the model
#36 opened by Benjamim-EP - 0
- 1
What's max_len?
#21 opened by moniquebm - 1
What configuration were used to process these models? How much did it cost?
#24 opened by rafaelsandroni - 3
- 7
Is possible to test BERT-LSTM or BERT-LSTM-CRF with BERT-CRF pre-trained model for NER?
#22 opened by alcidesmig - 0
STS experiments
#28 opened by celsofranssa - 3
- 0
Encoding issue with HAREM dataset
#26 opened by jonatasgrosman - 2
Evaluation inconsistency
#25 opened by alcidesmig - 0
how can I add more data?
#23 opened by guerreiro-lucas - 2
Rename the project to BERTinho
#3 opened by diogofm - 7
- 1
- 4
AttributeError: You tried to generate sequences with a model that does not have a LM Head.
#6 opened by paulogaspar - 1
What Am I doing wrong?
#10 opened by PepeZuco - 1
Bert with huggingface
#11 opened by nadia-felix - 1
Tokens especiais
#16 opened by SamaraAlves - 1
Where to find labels index?
#14 opened by jayralencar - 1
Significado dos labels
#18 opened by moniquebm - 1
NotImplementedError: Weights may only be loaded based on topology into Models when loading TensorFlow-formatted weights (got by_name=True to load_weights)
#17 opened by Logicus03 - 2
- 0
Encoding error
#13 opened by vinybrasil - 2
Problem importing Model
#12 opened by victorciurlini - 3
Failed to load tensorflow checkpoint
#7 opened by domus123 - 0
Bad filename pattern on tensorflow zip files
#9 opened by dmvieira - 0
Evaluation on STS and RTE tasks
#8 opened by ruanchaves - 1
Possible typo in the qualifying exam text
#4 opened by paulomann