
Aristotelian entelechy in graph theory, tested and rendered.

Primary LanguageC#




This Graph has Vertices that have Kernels which are given Strands.

Strands passed into Kernels, which contain a reference to the Vertex that is inside.

Vertices have references to the matrix they are inside.

So a Kernel can operate in terms of all the Vertices in the graph it's in.

The Graph is structured like this:

 public class Graph
        // registry
        public List<Vertex> AllVertices = new List<Vertex>();
        // registry count
        public int size = 0;
        // adjacency matrix
        public List<List<int>> Matrix = new List<List<int>>();
        // vertex-guid to matrix position translation
        public Dictionary<Guid, int> MatrixKey = new Dictionary<Guid, int>();

A Vertex looks something like this:

public class Vertex
        public Guid ID = Guid.NewGuid();
        public BaseKernel K { get; set; }
        public Graph cluster { get; set; }

        public Vertex(BaseKernel k)
            K = k;

A Vertex has a Kernel object which gives it the ability to execute functions on itself.

A Strand is a series of instructions, in this case, the seed vertex is given the entire strand, which generates a linked list with a blob on the end:

public void Flower()
            int n = 1;
            // flowers
            flower.Add(n, new object[] { "KbranchUndirected", 1, 1 }); n++;
            flower.Add(n, new object[] { "KbranchUndirected", 1, 1 }); n++;
            flower.Add(n, new object[] { "KbranchUndirected", 1, 1 }); n++;
            flower.Add(n, new object[] { "KbranchUndirected", 1, 1 }); n++;
            flower.Add(n, new object[] { "KbranchUndirected", 1, 1 }); n++;
            flower.Add(n, new object[] { "KbranchUndirected", 1, 1 }); n++;
            flower.Add(n, new object[] { "KbranchUndirected", 1, 1 }); n++;
            flower.Add(n, new object[] { "KbranchUndirected", 1, 1 }); n++;
            flower.Add(n, new object[] { "KcompleteCluster", 4, 7 }); n++;
            flower.Add(n, new object[] { null });

The strand is passed to the Kernel, which parses it and calls logic on its shell Vertex:

switch (ss[0])
                case "KbranchUndirected":
                    KbranchUndirected(strand, step, Convert.ToInt32(ss[1]), Convert.ToInt32(ss[2]));

                case "KcompleteCluster":
                    KcompleteCluster(strand, step, Convert.ToInt32(ss[1]), Convert.ToInt32(ss[2]));


Kernels are used to generate pre-programmed motifs. The above strand passed to a single seed Vertex produces the following matrix and graph:

Flower Gephi

GEXF - save graph to file

You can view saved graphs which are exported as GEXF (Graph Exchange XML Format) for display in Gephi

Building clusters from the outside:

Operations on sets of Vertices in clumps from the outside tend to produce more geological or crystal shapes.

This is a logarithmic cluster with edges reflecting the repetitive global split

Logarithmic Cluster
Logarithmic Cluster Gephi

Does it feel kind of like ice, inorganic?

Driving clusters from the inside:


Logarithmic Cluster Gephi

look feel has more body, more life?

Other pictures in assets >>>

The big round one has a look and feel of a wrinkly brain given its modular shape scrunched into space.

Additional graphs not pictured in graphs >>>


Graph Method Use Big O Time Big O Space IN OUT
PrintMatrix console output O(n2) O(n2) - void
PrintVertices console output O(n) O(n) - void
PrintEdges console output O(n2) O(n) - void
RegisterKey associates a Vertex ID to a MatrixKey O(1) O(1) Vertex void
MatrixEntry updates matrix with row and column O(n) O(1) Vertex void
AddStrandVertex vertex addition O(1) O(1) - Vertex
AddClusterVertex vertex addition O(1) O(1) - Vertex
DeleteVertex Removes Vertex from matrix, keys, list, count O(1) O(1) Vertex -
MatrixRemoval Removes target Vertex from Matrix O(n) O(1) Vertex -
DeleteMatrixKey Remove Vertex from MatrixKeys, mirror matrix contraction O(n) O(1) Vertex -
JoinVertexPairUndirected Combines two Vertices on a new one, preserving their degrees O(n) O(1) Vertex -
DoppleSet Mirrors a set of Vertices and their edges with a new set O(n2) O(n) List Vertex List Vertex
CreateClusterVertex create and add Vertex; cluster Kernel (inert) O(1) O(1) - Vertex
CreateStrandVertex create and add Vertex; strand Kernel O(1) O(1) - Vertex
AssimilateVertex add, register, count, and enter matrix O(1) O(1) Vertex Vertex
AssimilateVertices List Vertex to be added O(n) O(1) List Vertex void
DirectedEdge directed edge between two Vertices O(n) O(n) Vertex, Vertex, int void
UndirectedEdge undirected edge from one Vertex to another O(1) O(1) Vertex, Vertex, int void
OutDegreeCount count and return edges from a Vertex O(n) O(1) Vertex int
OutDegreeVertices collect and return vertices pointed to from a vertex O(n) O(n) Vertex List Vertex
InDegreeCount count and return edges to a Vertex O(n) O(1) Vertex int
InDegreeVertices collect and return vertices pointing to a vertex O(n) O(n) Vertex List Vertex
DirectedEdgeCount sum of a Vertex indegree and outdegree O(1) O(1) Vertex int
MutualEdgeCount for undirected, count mutual connections O(1) O(1) Vertex int
NeighborCount direction agnostic neighbor count O(1) O(1) Vertex int
NeighborSet direction agnostic neighbor list O(1) O(1) Vertex List Vertex
IslandCount nonconnected Vertex count O(n) O(1) - int
IslandSet nonconnected Vertex list O(n) O(n) - List Vertex
NeighborsWithinK collect reference to all Vertices within K of a target O(n3) O(n) Vertex, int List Vertex
MaxConnections calculate the max potential global undirected edges for a given number of Vertices O(n) O(1) int int
IsSelfRefrence check for edge to self O(1) O(1) Vertex bool
PurgeSelfRefrence removes edge to self O(n) O(n) Vertex void
PurgeSelfReferences removes multigraph, returns number removed O(n2) O(1) - int
FullConnectSet complete undirected weighted connection for a set of Vertices to each other O(n2) O(n) List Vertex, int LIST
ConnectionsBetweenCount count the number of related Vertices in a set O(n2) O(n) List Vertex int
NondirectionalClusteringCoefficient measures how connected a Vertex's neighbors are to each other O(1) O(1) Vertex int

big O time and space does not include dependent functions, such as NondirectionalClusteringCoefficient simply:

return decimal.Divide(ConnectionsBetweenCount(n), MaxConnections(n.Count()));

both of which have their own runtime complexity.